Ryan Roberts is due to be sentenced for riot & arson after the kill the bill protests in Bristol.
Let’s show our solidarity with him and all KTB defendants and prisoners at Bristol Crown Court, Friday 17th December.
2pm – Pack the court to show Ryan he has our support and is not alone. Bring banners, friends, rage and noise!
Ryan is being sentenced tomorrow for his part in fighting back against police attacks at the Kill The Bill protest on 21st March in Bristol.
Expect more cheerleading for brutal cops and punitive, vengeful sentencing as an example to the rest of us, from Judge Patrick, in his enthusiasm for meting out maximum punishment and being a tool of the state.
We need to stand solid together in the face of escalating attacks and repression and show that our movements will not be broken or be defeated. Solidarity is our best defence.
Everyone in the court and out on the streets. ACAB. FTP.