Kevan has been moved – solidarity needed now!

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Kevan Thakrar was wrongfully sentenced to a lifetime in prison in 2008, and has been fighting for his freedom ever since. He is one of the prolific prisoners in challenging prison conditions, racism and injustice. He has been subjected to severe torture and solitary confinement in the UK’s most highest security prisons – Close Supervision Centres that act as prisons within prisons. He continues to fight for his appeal. He appreciates letters and support via action alerts.

He’s recently been moved to HMP Whitemoor.

Write to Kevan: Kevan Thakrar A4907AE, HMP Whitemoor, Longhill Rd, March PE15 0PR


Upcoming Birthdays

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There are two people we support that are stuck in prison for their birthday in the next weeks. Please help break the isolation by writing to them and sending some birthday wishes.

Matty is serving a 5 year sentence for standing up for himself and the people around him in Bristol at a KTB demo. He loves graff art, bass music, sound system culture and all things wild and free.

Address: Matthew O Neill, A1596CT
HMP Portland, Dorset, DT5 1DL

Kane was sentenced to 3.5 years in prison after the Kill the Bill demonstration in Bristol in March 2021.

After being released on licence, he was recalled back to prison which has taken its toll. He is into cars, drum & bass and free parties.

Address: Kane Adamson, A1103ER
HMP Featherstone, New Road, Featherstone, Wolverhampton WV10 7PU

Let them both know they are not alone and that we continue to support them.

Report of a demo at Cardiff Probation Office for Toby Shone & an info night this Sunday

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On March 6th 2024, anarchists demonstrated outside Cardiff Probation Office to show their solidarity with Toby Shone as his parole pre-hearing meeting approaches. For the last 3 and a half years, probation officers including Lewis Thomas, Ashley Fussell, Gillian O’Brien, and Paul Smith amongst others at Cardiff probation office have collaborated with police such as Philip Gay at the National Security Division (NSD) and SouthWest Counter Terror Police (SWCTP) to target Toby for his anarchist beliefs and his alternative lifestyle. The UK police state is trying to criminalise such beliefs.

Toby was initially arrested on terrorism charges related to the website. This case fell apart the day before the trial in 2021. The Crown Prosecution Service had no evidence to offer the court. He was instead sentenced to three years and nine months in prison for a minor drugs charge. Released on licence in December 2022, Toby was recalled to prison on 19th September 2023 after attending a prisoner letter-writing night and dinner at the anarchist social centre BASE in Bristol. This meeting was being watched by two Counter Terror Officers. Toby’s licence conditions prevented him from contributing to or organising events at places like BASE. They also included a gagging order to prevent him speaking out about his case and his licence conditions. His attendance at this event was not a breach of his conditions but was used by his probation team, the National Security Division (NSD) and Southwest Counter Terror Police (SWCTP) to justify his renewed incarceration in a long-term high security prison 170 miles away from his home. Isolating him from his community and loved ones by sending him out of his area and by censoring his mail is a stated aim in police and probation paperwork and Toby’s treatment is apparently being signed off personally by the Secretary of State for Justice Alex Chalk.

Red and black smokies were set off, flyers were distributed inside the probation offices and to people in the street and comrades spoke in support of Toby and demanded his freedom from this revenge recall and from the whole rotten prison industrial complex including the probation service.

Infonight: Sunday 17th March

An infonight at BASE about the anarchist prisoner Toby Shone.

6.30pm Vegan dinner (pay what you can)
7.30pm Talk and Q&A followed by solidarity banner and card writing.

Come and join us for the Sunday cafe and a short talk and Q&A session on Toby’s situation and the implications for all who resist. Toby has been targeted and punished by the UK state for being an anarchist and showing defiance in the face of heavy state attacks and repression. Last year he was sent to a high security prison 170 miles from his home after attending a discussion event at BASE. The authorities say this was a breach of his licence conditions. They are intent on isolating him from his community and breaking his fighting spirit. They will not succeed. An attack on one is an attack on us all. For revolutionary solidarity until all are free.

There will be cards to write messages of solidarity to send to Toby. We will also do a solidarity banner photo outside BASE so please bring what you need (eg mask if wish to remain anonymous) if you would like to be part of that.

✊Soldarity with Toby

🖤Solidarity with all imprisoned comrades


Update and call for support!

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It’s been a long summer of prisoner support! Please see our chart below with our spending from June – November 2023. We have consistently supported many people moving in and out of prison for resisting the police at the Kill the Bill demonstration in March 2021. We are coming into our third winter and our funds are at their lowest point.

We are relieved that people are steadily finishing their sentences and leaving prison but that doesn’t mean the support stops. Many people need help with living costs, rent and adapting to life outside. As of early December 2023, we are still supporting ten people behind bars for the KTB protests, and several other anarchist prisoners. We support a number of family members to visit their loved ones across the country on a monthly basis. We also continue to purchase books, CDs and clothing for people inside, as well as paying for their monthly canteen costs to enable them to purchase needed things and buy the phone credit they need to stay in touch with their loved ones.

We know it is a financially difficult time for many right now and that fundraising is a constant challenge for many movements for liberation. We appreciate every single donation made and are asking folks to dig deep so that we can keep supporting people held in the state’s cages for fighting back against this world of oppression!

Thank you so much for all your incredible solidarity so far. Don’t miss our lovely merchandise too:

Bristol Anarchist Black Cross

Donation link:

Write to Prisoners this Winter!

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Please share these graphics on your networks and social media. The winter season is a really difficult time for people in prison who are separated from people they love. Please send a card to let folks know they are not alone!

Thanks to @punkwildlife for their amazing wildlife photography!

Support Kane

admin KTB Prisoners, Uncategorized

Kane was sentenced to 3.5 years in prison after the Kill the Bill demonstration in Bristol in March 2021.

After being released, he was recently recalled to prison which has taken its toll. He would appreciate more letters, cards and support!

Write to Kane: Kane Adamson A1103ER, HMP Channings Wood, Denbury, Newton Abbot, TQ12 6DW or use


Support Matt!

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Matt was sentenced to 5 years in prison after the Kill the Bill demonstration in Bristol in March 2021. Prison conditions are consistently challenging and Matt would appreciate more support, post and cards! Please show him he’s not alone!

Matt is vegan and loves punk as well as other kinds of music!

Write to Matt:

Matthew O’Neill A1596CT
HMP Portland, 104 the Grove, Easton, Portland, Dorset, DT5 1DL

You can also use or websites like

Imprisoned Anarchist Toby Shone moved to HMP Garth

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Imprisoned anarchist Toby Shone has been moved 265 kilometres from his
home in Forest of Dean, Gloucestershire and nearly 300 kilometres from
support in Bristol to HMP Garth in Leyland, a high security prison near
Manchester. Despite being in the resettlement part of his sentence, a
vengeful probation and counter-terror team are attempting to isolate
Toby from his perceived support base and loved ones in the south of the
country and deliberately place him at risk of harm in a notoriously
violent Category B prison for those serving sentences of 10 years or
more. Probation has demanded Toby serve the rest of his sentence which
is just short of 13 months, due for release on 11 November 2024.

Toby was imprisoned in Wandsworth, Bristol and G4S Prison Parc for
nearly two years accused of being the administrator of
counter-information project After the political
prosecution failed and the cops had to drop the case 5 days before trial
in October 2021, Toby received a sentence of 3 years 9 months for
possession of psychedelic medicines. He was released on 28 December 2022
under heavy restrictions (license conditions) overseen by a multi-agency
team (MAPPA) including the National Security Division (counter-terror)
and was forced to live in a filthy bail hostel in Gloucester for 9
months. He had just moved back into a flat in the Forest of Dean in
Gloucestershire when, on the morning of 19 September 2023, he was pulled
over and arrested by an armed police unit a few miles from the city of
Gloucester. He was accused of being in possession of an unauthorised
phone and attending a dinner and prisoner letter writing night at BASE
anarchist social centre in Bristol in August.

Toby continues to be held as a TACT (Terrorist) prisoner despite being
proclaimed Not Guilty of any terrorist offence by a High Court Judge in
a court of law in October 2021.

Toby is in great spirits as ever and requests letters and emails. Emails
are getting through very quickly on (please get him a
reply sheet). You can also write to him at:

Toby Shone A7645EP
HMP Garth
Ulnes Walton
PR26 8NE

If anyone in the north of the country would like to visit Toby, please
contact his soli group at

Books must be ordered and sent direct from Waterstones, Blackwells,
Wordery, WH Smiths, Foyles and Mr B’s Emporium Bookshop.