What has been happening?
All mail and books sent in to Toby Shone at HMP Bristol is being withheld from him under orders of right-wing Senior Officer Steve Sollars. This officer has decided to target anarchist prisoner Toby Shone after googling his case and after Toby refused to continue attending this screw’s workshop (as of February 9) due to the racist, politically motivated and denigrating abuse he and other prisoners were subjected to by said officer.
The Correspondence Department are now claiming that Toby has no mail, including legal correspondence. We know this isn’t true!
We are asking people to bombard the prison with mail for Toby and to complain to HMP Bristol to stop the abuse and targeting of Toby.
Write to Toby
Remember to put a name and address on the back, and if you can afford to, please send it via the Royal Mail Signed For service so that you can see it has been delivered via the tracking number. Toby replies to every letter he is sent IF he receives it.
Toby Shone A7645EP
HMP Bristol
19 Cambridge Road
Contact HMP Bristol
Express your concerns about the targeting of Toby Shone.
Governor James Lucas
Email: James.Lucas@
Tel: 0117 3723100
Tweet: @HMPBristol