This months Bristol ABC meeting sees us join forces with the Bristol Queer Caf, for an evening focusing on the plight of queer prisoners, and how we may be able to support them.
We will be screening the film ‘Cruel and Unusual’ and follow that with a discussion about queer prisoner issues and how we can support from the outside. We will also have info available on the new ‘Bent Bars Project’. This new letter-writing project aims to develop stronger connections and build solidarity between LGBT/queer/trans communities outside and inside prison walls. It aims to work in solidarity with prisoners by sharing resources, providing mutual support and drawing public attention to the struggles of queer and trans people behind bars. In its first month the project received over 100 requests from prisoners for penpals, and is looking for people to take on that role with prisoners. See here for more info, or email

A still from the film
All Welcome: Wednesday 10th June, 7pm onwards, at Kebele social centre, 14 Robertson Road, Bristol BS5 6JY
Hot drinks and snacks to share, plus info about other prisoner support campaigns.
Cruel and Unusual (2006, 66 minutes)
Women, transgender women such as Ashley, Linda, Anna, Yolanda and Ophelia, are incarcerated in men’s prisons across the U.S. from Wyoming to New Jersey and Florida. Denied medical and psychological treatment, victims of rape and violence, the documentary Cruel and Unusual asks if the punishment for their crime is indeed cruel and unusual? Details about the film and links to more resources are here.
Bristol ABC meets on the 2nd Wednesday of every month to collectively write letters to political prisoners in the UK and abroad, and also to radicalised social prisoners. We also chat about campaigns, prison news, and the generally appalling state of justice worldwide. Come along to find out more or email us at
The Bristol Queer Caf is a monthly (at least) gathering, usually on the last Thursday of the month at Kebele social centre. It is slowly enagaging in other activities too, such as this one. Contact them at