G20 American Extraditees

admin repression

Support US activists extradited to Canada and imprisoned for charges stemming from the Toronto G20 in June 2010. For more background information, click here. Legal Update: Kevin Chianella February 13th– Kevin plead guilty to 16 …

“Prison united all of us”

admin repression, Uncategorized

Source: http://avtonom.org/en/freenews/prison-united-all-us Interview with anarchist prisoners in the so-called “Bolotnaya Case”, former sailor Alexei Polikhovich, 22 (pictured), and historian Stepan Zimin, 21. They are amongst the many people charged with participation in the May 6, …

Comrade Mario Lopez arrested

admin repression

On January 20th, 2014 our comrade Mario Lopez was arrested while heappeared in court, as he does every week, to sign in as part of the conditions imposed for his release on bail. At first …