Based on previous experience and/or because they are known to be representing Stokes Croft defendants, the following solicitors are worth checking out if you need one. (Please note that no solicitor firms are formally involved with or employed by BDS, and vice versa.) As well as picking a good one, you should read this excellent advice from LDMG on getting the best out of your solicitor. Remember that it is always possible to change solicitors if you are not being well-represented, even if you are on legal aid…
Bindmans solicitors (in London) – Also have experience of suing cops for wrongful arrest. Tel: 0207 833 4433 or main contact is Mike Schwarz at
Kellys solicitors (in Brighton) have been excellent when representing people arrested at protests. 9 St. Georges Place, Brighton, BN1 4GB. Tel: 01273 674898
We also suggest you check out the solicitors list from Network for Police Monitoring, especially if your case is outside of Bristol –