Harmondsworth protest update

admin soldarity

Resistance continues today at Harmondsworth and Colnbrook.Over 70 people detained have gathered in the courtyard to continue the protest.Outside at 9am a group of people made a solidarity demonstration in support of the protests. They could hear people shouting ‘Freedom’ and ‘No Food’. The police were called to the protest and one person was pushed aggressively.

Guards and centre managers are asking detainees to go to their rooms and come to talk to the managers one-by-one or in pairs. Detainees have refused and ask the management/staff to come and listen to them in the yard.

Latest statements/testimonies from people inside today: Things are not right here:

The detainees demands are as follows:
An end to:

•        indefinite deprivation of liberty and human rights
•        the use of “Detained Fast Track”
•        bias and incompetence in case-handling by the Home Office
•        unlawful forced removals
•        stressful and degrading conditions which they describe as “mental torture” and which lead many to self-harm
•        overcrowded accommodation “comparable to animal cages”
•        refusals to return those who want to go back to their countries of origin

One person detained said today:
‘The protesters outside are really the energy for us’

Take action! Join the resistance!  A small group of people can make a lot of noise if they try outside the detention centres at Harmondsworth and Colnbrook! People are gathered in the courtyard and ask for us to go by and support.

For updates follow @AntiRaids or @followMFJ  or @detainedvoices

Source: http://rabble.org.uk/harmondsworth-today-continued-protest/

Hunger strikes in Greek prisons – A brief chronicle of the past few days

admin soldarity

REPOST from contra info.

While the Greek society is watching the post-election fables of the SYRIZA-ANEL coalition government in an almost dormant state, incarcerated anarchists and combative prisoners in the galleys of democracy have once again decided to clash with the Power and its laws, using hunger strike and abstention from prison food as weapons of their struggle.

On February 27, 2015, Giorgos Sofianidis, social prisoner in the E1 wing of Domokos maximum security prison, begins a hunger strike demanding to be transferred back to Koridallos prison, where he was held until New Year’s Eve, so he can continue his studies at the Technological Education Institute of Piraeus and the Institute of Professional Training of Koridallos prison. At the same time, along with his fellow inmates, he claims the definite abolition of type C prisons. On the same day, all other prisoners in the E1 special wing of Domokos – anarchists Nikos Maziotis, Kostas Gournas, Yannis Naxakis, communist Dimitris Koufontinas, and social prisoners Alexandros Meletis, Konstantinos Meletis, Vasilis Varelas, Mohamed Said Elchibah, Alexandros Makadasidis – declare prison food abstention, stating they will continue their mobilisations. Besides, in early February, a joint protest was carried out by inmates in Domokos prison in response to yet another death of a prisoner because of medical negligence.

On March 2, prisoners that share a common political context of demands launch a hunger strike, mostly aiming at abolishing the 2001 and 2004 antiterrorism laws, articles 187 and 187A of the penal code, the ‘hoodie law’, the legal framework for type C prisons, the prosecutorial provision of forcible taking of DNA samples, and demanding that the convicted 17N member Savvas Xiros be released from prison on health grounds. Those who announce their participation in the collective mobilisation are Kostas Gournas and Dimitris Koufontinas with a joint statement, Nikos Maziotis (type C prison of Domokos), and five comrades from the Network of Imprisoned Fighters (DAK); namely, Antonis Stamboulos (Larissa prison), Tasos Theofilou (Domokos prison), Fivos Harisis, Argyris Ntalios and Giorgos Karagiannidis (Koridallos prison). The rest of the participants in the Network of Imprisoned Fighters will join the hunger strike later on. On March 2, Mohamed-Said Elchibah also initiates hunger strike in the type C prison of Domokos. A day later, two women incarcerated in the female section of Neapoli men’s prison in Lasithi, Crete, declare their abstention from prison food in solidarity with political prisoners on hunger strike.

Meanwhile, since February 28, police have arrested several people in relation to the case of the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire attempted escape from Koridallos prison: Christos Rodopoulos, anarchist fugitive Angeliki Spyropoulou, Athena Tsakalou (mother of the Tsakalos brothers) and a friend of hers, a friend of the brother of Giorgos Polidoros, as well as the wife of Gerasimos Tsakalos. Therefore, on March 2, CCF imprisoned members Olga Ekonomidou, Michalis Nikolopoulos, Giorgos Nikolopoulos, Haris Hadjimihelakis, Gerasimos Tsakalos, Christos Tsakalos, Giorgos Polidoros, Panagiotis Argirou, Damiano Bolano and Theofilos Mavropoulos announce a hunger strike until death or until their family members and the friends of their relatives are immediately released. Angeliki Spyropoulou, from the holding cells at police headquarters, also goes on hunger strike with the same demand. On March 4, anarchist Panos Michalakoglou, held in pretrial detention in the prison of Nigrita in Serres, initiates abstention from prison food in solidarity with CCF hunger strikers. Both friends of relatives of CCF members are released, however the bastards Nikopoulos and Asprogerakas, special appellate judges in charge of the investigation, order that the mother and the wife of Gerasimos Tsakalos be remanded to prison. Additionally, two more arrestees are sent to pretrial detention; namely, hunger striker Angeliki Spyropoulou (Koridallos prison) and Christos Rodopoulos (Domokos prison). Furthermore, on March 6, Christos Polidoros (brother of CCF member Giorgos) is also arrested and currently held by the antiterrorist unit.

Giorgos Polidoros and Christos Tsakalos have explained that the ten political prisoners of CCF support the other collective hunger strike that’s currently underway in Greek prisons, emphasising that the latest machinations of the antiterrorism agency against their family members are an extreme consequence of antiterrorism legislation. Nikos Maziotis has also stated that, regardless of the different context of the hunger strikes’ demands, he supports the struggle of CCF prisoners.

Faced with this rapidly developing situation while waiting for further updates, it’s up to those of us on the outside who fight to abolish the prison society in all of its aspects and crush all Power, to support each and every prisoner in struggle for the immediate fulfillment of their demands, and try to bring about the complete destabilisation of the system of domination. Let us not forget that what we fight for is the total destruction of the State/Capital, and that struggles for partial demands are used as a means of destabilisation to this end, not as an end in itself; otherwise, there’s always the danger of being assimilated into reformism. Let us multiply the actions of agitation and attack against institutions, persons and symbols of Greek democracy inside and outside the borders. Let us make solidarity into praxis.

in Greek (6/3/2015), Spanish, French

Mikalai Dziadok Sentenced To 1 More Year In Prison

admin repression

On February 26 the criminal case of the political prisoner Mikalai Dziadok was tried in Mahilyou prison. He was charged with violation of the rules of serving the sentence under Article 411 of the Criminal Code of Belarus.

Dziadok was charged with 16 violations of prison rules, such as wearing sportswear suit instead of prison uniform, sleeping after ‘Wakey’ signal, not sleeping after lockdown, talking to prisoners from other cells.

The prosecutor asked the court to punish Mikalai Dziadok by 1 year in a maximum security penal colony. It is a maximum term under this article. The defence noted that such cases are extremely rare and can never be started because of such minor violations. The lawyer asked the court to justify Mikalai. As a result, Judge Ihar Shvedau sentenced the political prisoner to one more year in prison. Besides, he is to serve four days out of his four-and-a-half-year term.

Mikalai pleaded not guilty, although he admitted most of the violations.

“I would like to remind every representative of punitive bodies here, any system based on lies, violence, oppression will collapse someday and destroy its every supporter. And I would not like to be in your shoes when it happens.”

Mikalai Dziadok also said that being a political prisoner he was subjected to prison administration’s pressure and all the present in the court knew it. According to him, a new criminal prosecution was initiated by secret services to make him sign a petition for pardon “through psychological pressure and to try to quash any protest movements that may occur on the eve of presidential elections.”

Mikalai noticed the prison had not had any positive impact on him and in general it did not have such functions. Political prisoner called the Article he was tried for absurd as he was already punished for all his violations. And now he is punished for the same crime with an additional year. He also noted that that article was a way to put pressure on dissenting prisoners.

Dziadok was supposed to be released on March 3, 2015 after serving his punishment.

We call for solidarity with our repressed comrade!


Marseille, France: Solidarity with anarchist prisoner Emma Sheppard

admin events, soldarity

Thursday 12th March 2015 from 7pm
Vegan food at La Rage Ga, Marseille
For address email : laragega[at]riseup.net

On February 24th, 2015, anarchist prisoner Emma Sheppard was sentenced to 2 years imprisonment at Bristol Crown Court for “committing criminal damage recklessly endangering life.” The charge relates to damage of police cars in the Bristol area.

This is the first conviction under Operation Rhone; an investigation led by 10 CID officers to investigate over 100 actions of anonymous attack in the Bristol area over the past four years, gather intelligence on the broader anarchist movement, as well as hunting for the fugitive comrade Badger, who fled in August 2011.

However, Emma’s arrest and guilty plea relating to a sabotage on New Year’s Eve appears to be a stand-alone case and was not the result of Op Rhone work – even if they got involved afterwards.

Support website : bristolabc.wordpress.com/support-emma

Greece: statement from prisoners in Domokos “Type C” prison

admin repression, soldarity


Via Contra Info. See here for brief background info on Domokos prison. The chief screw was shot dead last Saturday.

We, all the prisoners currently held in the E1 special wing in the prison within the prison, the type C prison of Domokos, declare that as of today February 27th 2015 we are going to abstain from prison meals and refuse to enter the cells at noon.

We stand by our fellow prisoner, hunger striker Giorgos Sofianidis, and ask that he be moved back to Koridallos prison [where he was incarcerated until News Year’s Eve, in the same region where the educational institutions to which he has already been admitted are available], otherwise he risks losing any possibility to study at the TEI [Technological Education Institute] of Piraeus and the IEK [Institute of Professional Training] of Koridallos.

We demand that the special conditions of detention as well as the barbaric and inhumane type C prison be abolished.

Our mobilisations will continue until the type C prisons are permanently abolished.

Kostas Gournas
Nikos Maziotis
Dimitris Koufontinas
Giorgos Sofianidis [on hunger strike since 27/2] Yannis Naxakis
Alexandros Meletis
Konstantinos Meletis
Vasileios Varelas
Mohamed-Said Elchibah
Alexandros Makadasidis

Letter from anarchist prisoner, Emma Sheppard

admin repression, soldarity

Letter from anarchist prisoner Emma Sheppard in response to her sentencing, for causing “criminal damage recklessly endangering life” to several police cars. Translations: Français | Português

Saturday 28th February 2015

I just watched myself on TV, which I hope is an experience I never repeat. It cheered everyone up on the wing though! I thought I’d write to try and process some of the stuff that’s been happening. But I’m not feeling at my most eloquent (plus I’m obviously limited by my surveillance) so I thought I’d use some of the quotes that have inspired me since being in prison.

Dolly Parton said, “If you want a rainbow, you’ve got to put up with a little rain.” I feel really lucky to have so many folks in my life to weather the storm with and I am happy to have less rain that I thought I would. It saddens me that this may be due to my portrayal as a ‘good girl gone bad’. Why can’t empathy and anger co-exist? To me they are all part of solidarity. I am not special. I just do what feels right for me. I think its because of my gender (and maybe my class) that these distinctions are made.

“When you’ve been afraid of something for long enough and it comes to pass, the terrible thing is a release. For in the belly of the badness there is no more fear.” – Lionel Shriver

It wasn’t until after sentencing that I realised quite how much I had been dreading it. The media, the horrible ‘good vs. bad character’ discussion, my ‘regrets’. The whole thing disgusts me. But now I feel a weary calm.

They say I am ‘too intelligent’ to dislike the police, and that my actions stopped the police from dealing with the causes of domestic violence and child abuse. Do they not realise how many women are in here with me due to these issues being systematically ignored? The whole thing is rotten to the core!

I was unsurprised, but angry, to see that the court focused on my expressions of solidarity with folks in Jackson and Greece but ignored my very real issues with the police in this country which I listed at length: the deaths in custody and on the street, the immigration prisons and institutional racism, the stop and searches, use of tasers, I could go on and on. I also tried to highlight my own experiences of police violence (targeting myself and my comrades), repression and attempts at infiltration. But I can see why they chose to ignore all these points and divert attention elsewhere.

I regret getting caught and the impact this has had on my family and others I care about. I am determined never to come back here, and I now that as a marked woman I will have to stay on the ‘right’ side of the law. But I am already thinking of lots of ways to support people facing the prison ‘estate’. Not just because I care about other people, but because I’m angry.

I’ll leave you with one of my favourite quotes from Dylan Thomas:

“Do not go gentle into that good night,
Old age should burn and rave at the close of day,
Rage, rage against the dying of the light”

Solidarity, love, rage and tomorrows chip rappers,

Em X

Razor Wire Riddle

I am a terrorist, and a liberal
I am a man, and a misguided woman
I am considerate, and reckless
I am an anarchist, and not an anarchist
I am intelligent, and foolish
I am regretful, and defiant
I am alone, and well supported
I am queer, and discriminatory
I am sad, and unremorseful

What am I? I am me, Em (allegedly).

Since New Year I have been called all these things and I am sick of other people’s judgements. Of the crawling game of the courtroom, which suffocated me. Of other prisoners who question and threaten me. Of my ‘comrades’ who write me off. Of the media who construct an image of me. Of the police who are ‘concerned for my welfare’.

I have never disguised the contempt I have for the police. I have tried to minimise the impact of my arrest has I had on those I care about without selling myself out.

I am still an angry anarchist with a defiant heart. But I am weary. I do not want sympathy. I will keep my chin up and my head down.

Support Emma

Report from Emma Sheppard’s Sentencing (BDS)

admin BDS, Uncategorized

UPDATE: Em has written her own report on the sentencing – read it here

This week saw the sentencing of Emma Sheppard, who plead guilty to causing “criminal damage recklessly endangering life” to several police cars. All in all it went much as expected. Before handing out a prison sentence of two years in order to “send a message”, the judge gave a summing up displaying all the ignorance we have come to expect of the rich and powerful. He admitted to being confused that a compassionate person might dislike the police, and listed some examples of police ‘good deeds’ to try and make his point, such as protecting the people who suffer from domestic abuse [1]. We wonder if he would apply the same reasoning to the people he sentences, and find them not guilty because they once helped an old person cross a busy road?

Police involved in “Operation Rhone” [2] also tried to claim it as a victory for themselves, despite only getting involved after the arrest, and seeming to contribute nothing significant to the trial. They made a public statement claiming that they have “a long and proud history of facilitating peaceful protest”. Needless to say this isn’t true – Bristol Defendant Solidarity regularly sees examples of people injured and fitted up by Avon and Somerset Police.

We encourage people to write to Emma and support her through her time in jail. She may be moved during her sentence, so check the Bristol ABC website before writing. At present her address is:

Emma Sheppard
HMP Eastwood Park
Church Avenue
GL12 8DB

Emma can receive cards, stamps and stationary. For donations, news & any other solidarity efforts email: bristol_abc [at] riseup.net

[1] this is despite police being far more likely than average to PERPETRATE domestic violence in the first place – womenandpolicing.com/violenceFS.asp
[2] More information: https://bristolabc.wordpress.com/2015/02/20/operation-grhone-and-the-badger-hunt/


Solidarity with Anarchist Prisoner Emma Sheppard

admin repression, soldarity

Anarchist prisoner, Emma Sheppard was sentenced to 2 years imprisonment on Tuesday 24th February 2015 at Bristol Crown Court for committing “Criminal damage recklessly endangering life”.

The charge relates to criminal damage of police cars in the Bristol area.

Please write letters of solidarity to:

Emma Sheppard
HMP Send
Ripley Road
GU23 7LJ

(Please note new address as of March 2015)

Emma can receive cards, stamps and stationary.

For donations, news & any other solidarity efforts email: bristol_abc@riseup.net


em updated

Bristol, Royaume-Uni : Solidarité avec la prisonnière anarchiste Emma Sheppard

Le 24 février 2015, la prisonnière anarchiste Emma Sheppard a été condamné à 2 ans de prison au tribunal de première instance de Bristol pour avoir « commis des dommages criminels inconsidérés mettant des vies en danger. » Les charges se rattachent à la dégradation de voitures de police dans la zone de Bristol.

Emma peut recevoir des cartes, des timbres et de la papeterie.

Merci d’écrire des lettres de solidarité à :
Emma Sheppard A7372DJ
HMP Send, Ripley Road
Woking, Surrey
GU23 7LJ (Angleterre)

[Note : addresse mise à jour le 12 mars]

Pour des dons, nouvelles et tout autre effort de solidarité :

Note de Contra info :
Il s’agit de la première condamnation s’inscrivant dans l’opération Rhone ; une investigation menée par 10 officiers CID [Central Intelligence Departement : Département de Renseignements Central] afin d’enquêter sur plus de 100 attaques anonymes dans la zone de Bristol au cours des quatre dernières années, de rassembler des informations sur le mouvement anarchiste au sens large, ainsi que de traquer le camarade fugitif Badger, qui a pris la fuite en août 2011. Cependant, l’arrestation d’Emma et le plaidoyé de culpabilité relatif à un sabotage la veille du Nouvel An se révèlent être des cas à part et ne résultent pas du travail engagé par l ‘opération Rhone – combien même ils ont été impliqué par la suite.

Bristol, UK: Solidarität mit der anarchistischen Gefangenen Emma Sheppard

Die anarchistische Gefangene Emma Sheppard wurde am Dienstag, dem 24 Februar 2015 vom Bristol Gericht in England zu zwei Jahren Gefängnis für „schwere Sachbeschädigung und fahrlässige in Gefahrbringung von Menschenleben“ verurteilt. Die Strafe bezieht sich auf die Beschädigung von Polizeiautos in Bristol.

Emma kann Postkarten, Briefmarken und Schreibmaterial empfangen.

Bitte schreibt Briefe an:
Emma Sheppard A7372DJ
HMP Send, Ripley Road
Woking, Surrey, GU23 7LJ
(England, UK)

Für Spenden, Informationen und Soli-aktionen mail an: bristol_abc[at]riseup.net

In Reaktion auf ihr Urteil hat Emma Sheppard einen Brief verfasst (teilweise Übersetzung hier).

Anmerkung von Contra Info (en): Dies ist die erste Verurteilung unter der „Operation Rhone“. Eine Ermittlung, geführt von 10 CID Offizieren, um in den über hundert anonymen Aktionen in der Gegend um Bristol in den letzten vier Jahren zu ermitteln und weitreichende Informationen über das weitere anarchistische Milieu zu sammeln und außerdem den geflüchteten Genossen Badger, der im August 2011 floh, zu finden. Emmas Verhaftung und ihr Schuldspruch wegen der Sabotage-Aktion am Silvesterabend scheint jedoch ein allein stehender Fall zu sein und war nicht das Resultat der Arbeit von „Operation Rhone“ auch wenn diese im Nachhinein hinzugezogen wurden.

Bristol, Reino Unido: Solidariedade com a presa anarquista Emma Sheppard

support-emmaA 24 de Fevereiro de 2015 a presa anarquista Emma Sheppard foi condenada a dois anos de prisão pelo tribunal penal de Bristol por “cometer danos criminais de forma imprudente colocando em risco a vida.” A acusação refere-se a danos em carros de polícia, na área de Bristol.

Emma pode receber cartões, selos e artigos de papelaria.

Podem se escrever cartas de solidariedade para:
Emma Sheppard A7372DJ
HMP Send, Ripley Road
Woking, Surrey, GU23 7LJ
(England, UK)/ (Inglaterra, Reino Unido)

Para doações, notícias & quaisquer outros gestos de solidariedade email:

Nota de Contra Info:

Esta é a primeira condenação no âmbito da Operação Rhone; uma investigação conduzida por 10 oficiais da CID [Central Intelligence Departement: Departamento Central de recolha de informações ] para investigar mais de 100 ações de ataques anónimos na área de Bristol, ao longo dos últimos quatro anos, permitiu recolheu informações sobre o movimento anarquista mais amplo, bem como a caça ao companheiro fugitivo “Badger”, em fuga desde Agosto de 2011. No entanto, a prisão de Emma e a declaração de culpa relativa a uma sabotagem na véspera de Ano Novo parecem ser um caso isolado e não foram o resultado de um trabalho da Operação Rhone – embora as tenham envolvido nela, depois disso.

Bristol, Reino Unido: Solidaridad con la presa anarquista Emma Sheppard

El 24 de febrero del 2015 la anarquista Emma Sheppard fue sentenciada a 2 años de prisión por el Tribunal de la Corona de Bristol con la acusación de “cometer daños materiales poniendo en peligro vidas de manera imprudente”. Los cargos hacen referencia a los daños ocasionados a vehículos de policía en la zona de Bristol.

Emma puede recibir cartas, sellos, material de escritura, etc. en la siguiente dirección:

Emma Sheppard A7372DJ
HMP Send, Ripley Road
Woking, Surrey, GU23 7LJ
(England, UK)

Para actualizaciones, donaciones, muestras solidarias en general: bristol_abc[arroba]riseup.net

Nota de Contra Info: Esta es la primera condena en el marco de la Operación “Rhone”, que es dirigida por 10 agentes del Departamiento de Investigación Criminal (CID). El dispositivo pretende investigar más de 100 ataques anónimos en la zona de Bristol durante los últimos 4 años, acumular Iinformaciones sobre el movimiento anarquista en un sentido más amplio, así como perseguir al compa Huw ‘Badger’ Norfolk, que está en fuga desde el agosto del 2011, acusado por el ataque a la sede del periódico Bristol Post. En cualquier caso, la detención de Emma y su asunción de culpabilidad en relación con el sabotaje que se realizó la vispera de Año Nuevo parecen ser un caso aparte y no un resultado directo del trabajo represivo de la Operación “Rhone”, aunque se enmarcó en este contexto más tarde.

Operation GRhone and the Badger hunt

admin BDS, repression, soldarity

Translation: Français

Picture of three people in badger masks

from the demo at Bristol CID HQ

When Bristol anarchist Huw ‘Badger’ Norfolk legged it somewhere in late-August 2011, word spread fast across Bristol’s anarchist & radical communities. His decision to absent himself from all and any police investigations was immediately apparent to the many friends he’d had no time to say good-bye to. No doubt many suspected this escape to somewhere would be short-lived. Instead nothing, just the one shout-out from online anonymity(1) two months later, in which he stated his non-compliance bluntly.

Fast-forwards to December 2014 and Badger’s face is staring at us from every national and many local media outlets. Crimestoppers and Avon & Somerset Police’s Operation Rhone announce a £10k reward for information, whilst forcing his parents in north-west Bristol into the media spotlight too(2). Badger is wanted for two specific actions, although no evidence is cited for either. It’s made clear the Badger hunt, and the two actions, are just a part of their investigation into over 100 actions by ‘persons unknown’(3) over the last four years.

So why the sudden flurry of police & media attention? In reality the police have been active all the time, supported by their slavish media-hounds at the Bristol Post. We, at Bristol Defendant Solidarity(4), have a timeline of their activity since August 2011, when victims of an unproductive police raid on a Bristol squat contacted us for support and advice. Since then police activity has ebbed & flowed, nothing for months, then intense activity, such as the last 6 months of 2014 – triggered it seems by forces from outside the area(5), which resulted in Operation Rhone being formally set up. As well as finding and arresting suspects, the aims of this operation include gathering intelligence on “the threat from domestic extremism” and to “maintain public confidence”. (6)

It is clear the police know nothing. No leads beyond Badger’s identity and statements posted online by ‘persons unknown’. So like a man blind-drunk in a dark alley, they’ve lashed out at anyone they think could be intimidated, or entrapped. There’ve been numerous arrests leading to extended police bail, and even taggings, with at least 6 since June 2014, but no convictions; searches of homes & vehicles; visits to homes & workplaces for a ‘chat’; phonecalls to private mobile numbers; harassment of individuals current & former partners; stops at airports; endless requests that people snitch; and no doubt countless incidences of covert surveillance. All to no avail, and at huge cost. There has now been one arrest and guilty plea relating to an incident on New Years Eve, but this appears to be a stand alone case and was not the result of Op Rhone work – even if they got involved afterwards. Operation Rhone is said to involve at least 10 CID officers – in any other line of work somebody would’ve been sacked by now!

One harassed individual’s statement sums it up: “One morning a few months ago, I woke up and found my house full of police. When I say full I mean literally – it was hard to move around! They had already arrested the person they’d come for. He was released a bit later with no charges and has now had the case against him dropped completely. If they didn’t even have enough evidence to charge him, I don’t see how they can justify raiding my house in the first place – I don’t think they had anything on him at all. Anyway, as well as taking electronic stuff (like a hard drive and laptop), they seemed to be bagging anything that looked political…”

Four mugshots of police

Some of the police alleged to be involved in the investigation…

So why the wall of silence, and why the lack of police success? On the one hand they are harassing people – anarchists & radicals involved in public activity, musicians, and mere acquaintances – who clearly know nothing at all. On the other hand, the reality is that large numbers of people have a complete distrust of, and hatred for, the police. Whatever personal views people have on the validity of actions by ‘persons unknown’, they wont be co-operating with the police – they are the enemy, the heavy-handed arm of the state, and they have a long list of previous. Hence the many who supported a public ‘Statement against police harassment’(7). In addition to the timeline, Bristol Defendant Solidarity has published advice for people facing police harassment, and helped those who contacted us to get together and plan a response. Among other things, this group organised a protest at the headquarters of Bristol CID, which upset the police so much that they responded with armed officers and a dog unit. (8)

It is generally accepted the police exist to maintain the status quo – the rule of the few over the many. Their history of fit-ups, and denial of what limited rights we have, is endless. Their support for the bosses against workers struggles is continual. Their sexism & racism institutional. Their violence well documented as they kill with impunity(9). Their surveillance powers out of control. Their weaponry & equipment ever more militarised. Their undercover officers act as agent provocateurs and coerce individuals into relationships(10). Their corruption breathtaking. Complaints against them and investigations by the IPCC are rising, even the Chief Constable is suspended and the subject of an IPCC investigation(11). Why on earth would anyone, never mind the anarchists & radicals, have anything to do with them?

By Bristol Defendant Solidarity
(BDS is an independent, self funded group run by local volunteers, formed after the Stokes Croft riots in April 2011. We aim to provide effective, lasting unconditional support and solidarity to anyone arrested or imprisoned as a result of demos, riots, direct action and escalating class war. We take a clear stand against state repression and police brutality)

1. 325.nostate.net/?p=3297
2. www.theguardian.com/world/2014/dec/05/h…
3. personsunknown.noblogs.org/post/2014/11…
4. bristolabc.wordpress.com/defendant-soli…
5. www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-264481…
6. www.whatdotheyknow.com/request/operatio…
7. bristolabc.wordpress.com/2014/10/15/sta…
8. bristolabc.wordpress.com/2014/11/18/act…
9. www.inquest.org.uk/statistics/deaths-in…
10. www.theguardian.com/uk/undercover-with-…
11. www.ipcc.gov.uk/investigations/chief-co…