Letter from Carlos López Marín
A big hug to all comrades!
It has been very heartwarming to receive all of the gestures of support from the outside for us three anarchist prisoners. We remain strong and firm despite the stupid accusations against us and the intimidation (they tell us we will spend a lot of time in prison) that seek to smother our identities. They will not succeed, because we are strong in our conviction.
Today they took us downstairs to plead, hoping that we would plead either innocent or guilty. At this point I want to make something clear: personally I do not accept either position. Guilty? Innocent? That would be to give legitimacy the stupid laws of the State, which I do not recognize its authority. After all, the State and its laws only exist to produce and regulate privilege, injustice, exploitation and domination.
I heard about something that made me sick… that they are trying to link us with the YoSoy132 movement, PosMeSalto, and the like. I will not accept this in any way. I will not recognize a movement that is organized in a hierarchical institutionalized way. No way!
I spit hate to the prison system, I really do not know if there are people that are convinced in “reintegration”, as they say, that while in jail people are domesticated and when they get out they live a quiet life, in harmony with people and flowers around them. I look around and can only see one thing: KIDNAPPING, yes, when someone is deprived of his or her liberty it is called kidnapping. They try through their prisons to stomp out the will of those who fight for a new world and call anyone who rebels violent, dangerous to society, and terrorists.
The State is the only terrorist, because it is the principal producer of violence, has the monopoly over weaponry, does the torturing, and violates our natural rights. It is the system of domination that harasses us in a daily basis through our miserable wages, when any worker is seen not as a human, but as a money generating machine. It forces us against nature in order to build shopping malls, it violates us with its TV programming designed to mold our thoughts.
Carlos Lopez Marin
translation: pissed revolting particles from north and south
Vancouver, BC: HSBC firebombed in solidarity with the 5E, Mi’kmaq warriors and Elsipogtog protesters
On the 9th of January, we answered a call for solidarity with stolen anarchist comrades in Mexico City, Fallon Poisson, Amelie Pillierst and Carlos López Mart. We crept up to a HSBC bank on East Hastings, in occupied Coast Salish Territory (Vancouver, BC), and lit an incendiary device in the ATM area causing a massive fire ball. HSBC is a symbol of capitalism, oppression and domination. So it’s a perfect target for our rage.
This also comes in a time where Canada’s justice minister Peter Mackay is warning activists to not commit illegal actions toward stopping the pipelines. Mackay you can shove your warnings up your fucking ass. The state’s and corporations dreams of massive resource extraction will go up in flames of revolt from the streets to late night sabotage and destruction. The need for freedom, anarchy and liberation will destroy this colonial state. Our acts of sabotage are uncontrollable, strategic and successful. This attack on HSBC is only the beginning of sabotage the will and is occurring. We are also in solidarity with Miq’maq warriors and other protesters still facing charges and harassment by the RCMP pigs and the Canadian state from anti-fracking protests in Elsipogtog.
letter from Carlos
translation from Spanish taken from montreal mediacoop
With lot’s of energy and rage I write these brief lines to tell you about the conditions of my kidnapping by the government of Mexico City, but also to ramble about some topics that interest me at the moment.
Mi political situation has not yet been decided, and for obvious reasons I can’t go into details as to not screw up my legal defense. The night of the 5th of January, our comrades Fallon and Amelie and myself were detained by members of the police for being the alleged perpetrators of molotov cocktail attacks against the Secretariat of Communications and Transportation, and for the fires of several cars of a NISSAN dealership.
Until today, wednesday, January 8th, we are being accused of terrorism and organized delinquency and destruction of private property.
We are we fine, strong and united and have reached the third day of detention between questions, attempts at scaring us, and elaborate ploys. Like the curious case of the fake human rights group, who once were alone with me, told me that they had been sent by a comrade and told me her name and physical attributes. I initially believed them and I began to chat with one of them who seemed very interested in the case. But it’s easy to identify the methods used by a porker (apologies to the pigs) and I immediately knew he was a cop.
With his supposed intention to defend us, he showed me several photos that pictured me and some friends, and in a friendly fashion he asked me for names and places and I immediately thought “How can a cop try to act like a comrade, when in his heart there is no dignity?” Well, in their training they are domesticated like hunting dogs at the service of their master, without questioning, they only act and don’t feel, giving them one single way to drool and a gleam of malicious harassment their eyes.
On the personal side of things I am an insurrectionary anarchist, what I mean by this is, the rupture with all forms of domination through daily struggle, thinking and re-thinking methods and objectives, using as a point of departure the will of the individual and the organization of social relations in a horizontal fashion, capable of deciding our own lives, starting with the with the destruction of our own mental paradigms that tie us to obedience and submission, to transcend into conflictuality in a permanent and informal manner.
I know that anarchist solidarity is strong like an oak tree, and that always goes farther than simple words
Solidarity with Gustavo Rodríguez, Mario González, Amelie Pelletier, Fallon Poisson, Gabriel Pombo. Felicity Ryder and all the comrades who face deportation, who are fugitives or in prison.
Carlos López “El Chivo”
Attorney General of the Republic’s detention centre, Camarones, Mexico City

letter from Fallon
translation from Spanish taken from montreal mediacoop
Hello friends!
We are here together, us on this side and you maybe on the other side. To use the language of the state, there’s years and kilometers that are going to separate us, but the thing we share is bigger than distances or time. The state thinks that it creates distance between us, but on the contrary, we’re going to be closer than ever before! Today is the 8th of January, we have been traveling between fuckin cop cars and provincial and federal detention centres for the past 60 hours, and even though they’ve decided that we will stay here for another 48 hours, they don’t have anything because silence is stronger than repression.
The most important thing right now is to build a force stronger than prisons. We have the context of building international relations. For me solidarity is friendship, I am not a victim or a political prisoner, I want to use the reality that we live now, to build a stronger, bigger friendship. I am ready to fight authority inside here, like on the outside and I’m never going to stop.
Prison is a normal reality and I will use this experience and I hope that you do too, in order to develop a stronger individual strength, that gets more powerful every day.
We are here and we are going to be here to confront both the reality of prison and the reality outside.
A great embrace to you all.
Against authority here and outside!
Letter from Fallon, anarchist comrade detained in Mexico
Hello friends!
We are here together, us on this side and you maybe on the other side. To use the language of the state, there’s years and kilometers that are going to separate us, but the thing we share is bigger than distances or time. The state thinks that it creates distance between us, but on the contrary, we’re going to be closer than ever before! Today is the 8th of January, we have been traveling between fuckin cop cars and provincial and federal detention centres for the past 60 hours, and even though they’ve decided that we will stay here for another 48 hours, they don’t have anything because silence is stronger than repression.
The most important thing right now is to build a force stronger than prisons. We have the context of building international relations. For me solidarity is friendship, I am not a victim or a political prisoner, I want to use the reality that we live now, to build a stronger, bigger friendship. I am ready to fight authority inside here, like on the outside and I’m never going to stop.
Prison is a normal reality and I will use this experience and I hope that you do too, in order to develop a stronger individual strength, that gets more powerful every day.
We are here and we are going to be here to confront both the reality of prison and the reality outside.
A great embrace to you all.
Against authority here and outside!

Letter from Carlos López, anarchist comrade detained in Mexico
With lot’s of energy and rage I write these brief lines to tell you about the conditions of my kidnapping by the government of Mexico City, but also to ramble about some topics that interest me at the moment.
Mi political situation has not yet been decided, and for obvious reasons I can’t go into details as to not screw up my legal defense. The night of the 5th of January, our comrades Fallon and Amelie and myself were detained by members of the police for being the alleged perpetrators of molotov cocktail attacks against the Secretariat of Communications and Transportation, and for the fires of several cars of a NISSAN dealership.
Until today, wednesday, January 8th, we are being accused of terrorism and organized delinquency and destruction of private property.
We are we fine, strong and united and have reached the third day of detention between questions, attempts at scaring us, and elaborate ploys. Like the curious case of the fake human rights group, who once were alone with me, told me that they had been sent by a comrade and told me her name and physical attributes. I initially believed them and I began to chat with one of them who seemed very interested in the case. But it’s easy to identify the methods used by a porker (apologies to the pigs) and I immediately knew he was a cop.
With his supposed intention to defend us, he showed me several photos that pictured me and some friends, and in a friendly fashion he asked me for names and places and I immediately thought “How can a cop try to act like a comrade, when in his heart there is no dignity?” Well, in their training they are domesticated like hunting dogs at the service of their master, without questioning, they only act and don’t feel, giving them one single way to drool and a gleam of malicious harassment their eyes.
On the personal side of things I am an insurrectionary anarchist, what I mean by this is, the rupture with all forms of domination through daily struggle, thinking and re-thinking methods and objectives, using as a point of departure the will of the individual and the organization of social relations in a horizontal fashion, capable of deciding our own lives, starting with the with the destruction of our own mental paradigms that tie us to obedience and submission, to transcend into conflictuality in a permanent and informal manner.
I know that anarchist solidarity is strong like an oak tree, and that always goes farther than simple words
Solidarity with Gustavo Rodríguez, Mario González, Amelie Pelletier, Fallon Poisson, Gabriel Pombo. Felicity Ryder and all the comrades who face deportation, who are fugitives or in prison.
Carlos López “El Chivo”
Attorney General of the Republic’s detention centre, Camarones, Mexico City

On the night of January 5th, Carlos – a comrade from Mexico, and Amelie and Fallon – two comrades from Canada, were arrested in relation to a Molotov attack on the Ministry of Communication and Transportation and a Nissan dealership in Mexico City. The three have since been held in detention and have limited contact with anyone, including their lawyer, and Amelie and Fallon have also been visited by the Canadian consulate.
Though they were initially accused of property destruction, the three may now face additional charges of sabotage, organized crime, and terrorism. If these charges are brought forward, bail will not be possible and deportation for the two from Canada is highly unlikely. All three would then be held until trial without the possibility of release. Due to the possibility of their charges falling under the anti-terrorism law, there is a 48-hour extension to how long the comrades can be held by the Mexican Central Investigative Agency before their charges must be finalized – this extension has already been granted, and can be renewed several times.
These charges come at a time of intense crackdown by the Mexican state on anarchists; from attacks on demonstrations, torture of arrested comrades – including the torture and deportation of Gustavo Rodriguez, and barring the entry of Alfredo Bonanno. The state is now attempting to spin a narrative of foreigners coming in and causing disruption, thus ignoring and even erasing the rich history of anarchist struggle against the state in Mexico. Over the past few years in Mexico City, an insurrectionary anarchist struggle has intensified. Bombings of banks and churches, among other institutions of domination, have taken place frequently, and solidarity with insurrectionary anarchists in Mexico and worldwide has been central to these actions. We must recognize that the repression and penalization that comrades are facing now occurs in this context.
Regardless of the guilt or innocence of these specific comrades, we want to express solidarity, complicity, and a strong desire to see attacks on the state and capital continue and spread. In reality, the Canadians causing disruption in Mexico are the mining companies and military technologies; the same ones that exploit unceded Indigenous land in Canada and elsewhere around the world. Given that capitalist exploitation and misery knows no borders, the struggle against capitalism and the state apparatus must not stop at national borders. Our strength lies in our capacity to recognize the commonalities of our struggles so that they may spread, and to act in solidarity so that the struggles of our incarcerated
comrades may continue.
We write this statement to express our deep solidarity with and love for our friends and comrades – Carlos, Amelie and Fallon. Although we are writing from a different context, it is critical that our solidarity is also with the struggle in which this action occurred. Our friends and comrades facing these charges are experiencing the intensity of repression. Our solidarity must meet that intensity with respect for where they stand, admiration for their strength, and a continuation of the struggle in Canada, Mexico, and globally.
Love and freedom to the 5e three*,
Prisoners to the streets,
For freedom and anarchy,
– -Friends in struggle
Friday, January 10-
This morning we learned that Fallon, Carlos, and Amelie are now being held under a portion of Mexican Federal Law referred to as the ‘arraigo’ that permits arbitrary detention without charge or evidence for a period of 40 days, which can be renewed one time, while under investigation by the Centro de Investigacion y Seguridad Nacional (CISEN), a branch of federal policing comparable to CSIS. During this period of detention without charge, our three friends are being held in a special detention centre under the authority of of the CISEN, and not in a regular prison.
The full implications of the their extended detention in this facility are not clear right now. However, it is likely that direct communication with the three arrested will be impossible, and we do not still know the limits on communication with our friends.
The ‘arraigo’ violates the presumption of innocence until proven guilty, denies the detained and their legal team the right to know the charges and evidence against them, and has permitted the state to detain people in specific ‘arraigo’ detention centres that at times have included hotels, private residences, and military facilities. Often, the location of these facilities is kept secret. The ‘arraigo’ has also been compared to security certificates in Canada.
This sort of arbitrary detention gives the state absolute authority to abuse, torture, extort, and otherwise mistreat detainees, and there have been thousands of reports of abuse under the ‘arraigo’. It has been described as a ‘licence to torture’, and has been denounced by the U.N.
Despite this horrifying news, both Fallon and Carlos have released strong and encouraging letters to friends, which can be viewed at fuegoalascarceles.wordpress.com (spanish) and
http://montreal.mediacoop.ca/blog/stimulator/20758 (english/french). They talk of being interrogated by police, but as Fallon says in her letter, ‘silence is stronger than repression’. Show your solidarity with our imprisoned friends and comrades. An international day of solidarity with the 5E3 has been called for next friday, January 17th.
‘I know anarchist solidarity is strong like an oak tree, and that always goes farther than simple words.’
– –Carlos López “El Chivo”

Comrades of 5E (5ht of January) under serious charges
In the morning of January 7th, the Ministry of the Public announced to the lawyer, the decision of the Attorney General of Mexico City (PGR) to extend the constitutional detainment time for another 48 hours, with the justification that the detainees are being charged with: TERRORISM, SABOTAGE, ORGANIZED DELINQUENCY AND PROPERTY DESTRUCTION, all federal crimes. For the moment, communications between the lawyers and our comrades have been permitted, so they know that they are being helped by a trusted comrade and not by some lying piece of shit that works for the system.
We are still waiting for the government to to make a statement and give us new information. The comrades have been allowed to eat and for the moment are doing well, even after being threatened and harassed during interrogation.
Hello comrades, here’s the reconstructed info that was sent to us.
Three comrades detained and accused of damages.
A different account of what reported in La Jornada.
Yesterday, 5th of January, at approximately 10 pm, two groups of people dressed in black attacked the buildings belonging to the offices of Mexico’s Secretariat of Communications and Transportation (SCT) and a Nissan with rocks and Molotov cocktails causing damage to buildings and a several vehicles.
In an action against the SCT, we have heard reports that the federal police that were guarding the building, shot several rounds into the air as a gesture of intimidation and then fired directly towards our comrades several times, but no one was hurt.
Because of this the Office of the Attorney General of Mexico City (PGJ-DF) reported that three people have been detained: They are:
Fallon poisson (Canadian)
Amelie Pillierst (Canadian)
Carlos López Martin (Mexican)
The three are anarchist comrades who participate in various affinity projects and initiatives.
For the moment, the only charges are damages, valued at 50,000 to 150,000 pesos (approx $4,000 – $12,000 US.) If the situation doesn’t worsen, the comrades could be out free on a bail of up to 120,000 pesos, plus reparations for the damages.
We want to denounce the newspaper “La Jornada” for their complicity with the authorities of the capital, with the desire that our comrades are charged for more serious crimes, by distorting the truth of what really happened, as we have seen from the story linked above that says “several explosives detonated at both buildings, and that the event took place in the early morning” but this collective – that has the total trust of our comrades – sent an anonymous note saying that the action took place at 10pm and that no explosive was used.
Update: The last update is that the Canadian consulate has visited the comrades and that the authorities of the capital are going to deport them to their country of origin, being that this is what the GDF (the government of Mexico City) has been doing with some comrades like Alfredo Bonano and Gustavo Rodríguez. That leaves Carlos López as the last person subject to investigation, so we invite solidarity in all its forms.
For any matter of solidarity, letters, greetings, monetary help, or information, please get in touch with these emails
or the email of the Anarchist Black Cross of Mexico City cna.mex@gmail.com
Informal anti-prison collective “Prisoners to the Streets!”
Mexico City