Support Debbie!

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Debbie is an IPP prisoner at HMP Eastwood Park seeking support. Her original tariff was 3 years – she has now served over 14 years. She has been to hell and back before and during her sentence.

She is a survivor of rape, gang rape and forced prostitution. She has been criminalised because of her drug use as a response to these traumatic events. Like thousands of other IPP prisoners, she is trapped in the system with no support. She recently lost her mum who was her main support and now she has no-one. Bristol ABC are asking for folks to support Debbie!

Please send Debbie a letter, card or email via email a prisoner to:

Debbie Fitzpatrick A5506AC, HMP Eastwood Park, Wotton-Under-Edge, Gloucester, GL12 8DB

She writes about the IPP sentence:

“I used to be a happy go lucky person but now I’m so depressed because I’m never going to be free of this sentence. It’s broke me, took my personality, moulded me into a long suffering depression and PTSD. I don’t get support, I just lost my mum, no one cares about us. We are just left to rot and forgot about.

It is so sad that us IPP have done everything – changed our ways, become a better person to where there is nothing else we can change but never get the chance to breathe, be free, go on holiday, get our own place, nothing is allowed. I committed my crime in 2008 and it’s now 2023. We are lost souls just existing not living”.