Jellytot is a HS2 campaigner that was sentenced to 268 days in prison last month for breaching a HS2 injunction . He is in HMP Dovegate until 3rd Feb 2023 and is welcoming messages (via an email managed by some friends) and donations to his support campaign.
Email him at justiceforjellytot@protonmail.com.
Donate: https://tinyurl.com/Hs2prisoner
Here is a message to him from inside.
👋Hi everybody,
I’ve just received my first batch of emails (29th sept), thank you for all the love and support that is happening outside!
It’s been a little lonely up to now trying to get phone sorted etc (nothing happens over the weekends and not a lot more seems to happen during the week!)
First two nights were awful with a broken alarm blaring outside every 15 mins and people think it’s fine to wake me up in the night to take my blood pressure. Apart from that all is well. The van taking me from court had no juice so had to be jump started (more time for me to have an emergency final cigarette)
Managed to get my pack of Jellytots into the prison but was told I either had to eat them or they would be throw so I had to scoff the lot while my things were searched. Got my own room (for now) with shower and toilet, TV with Kerrang radio turned all the way up. Lovely view of some trees, plenty of books, puzzles, drawing materials etc.
First meal was instant noodles (my all time favourite) and something I can’t believe I am admitting ….. I have become a tea drinker.
There also seems to be some resident ducks (dunno what they’re in for) I’m starting to think it may just be fine here – I’ve never liked a mattress thicker than an inch anyway.
I’ve read somewhere I’m allowed no more than 5 pieces of fruit in my room at a time but I have 8! HA! And if the staff are reading this don’t worry I’m eating the other 3 now.
That’s all for now thank you for the support, I’ll be out in no time 🖤