Wildfire: An Anarchist Prison Newsletter #2

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From Wildfire:

[Download Issue #2] (Prints 8.5×11)

The past months have seen a continuation of prison struggle in its many forms, as well as a blanket of repression from state forces against anarchist insurgency. As international attacks multiplied and the comrades remained steadfast, the Greek hunger strikers won many of their demands. At the same time, the Czech Republic unleashed Operation Phoenix in an effort to repress the struggle there, and the Spanish state continued its attacks against anarchists by initiating raids and arrests in Operation Piñata. Chilean comrades Nataly, Juan, and Guillermo won many of their hunger strike demands; while elsewhere in Chile, the state continued its attacks on Tato and Javier, accused of burning a Transantiago bus. Sean Swain was held incommunicado for months and Marius Mason was thrown in solitary for a month. And just days ago, anarchist comrade Ignacio Muñoz Delgado was arrested in Chile by plainclothes cops, who say they found Ignacio with an explosive device and pamphlets expressing solidarity with comrades arrested for an arson attack on the Homicide Investigation Brigade. Hunger strikes from Greece to Chile to Alabama, widespread counter-attacks against repression, the ceaseless cadence of the anarchist war against power. We are disgusted by the state’s attempts to grind our comrades into dust, but we are strengthened by the beautiful flames of anarchy that cannot be contained by recuperation or prison walls.

We are excited to share the writings in this second issue of Wildfire, for their diversity and their incisiveness. We print texts from comrades previously unknown to us and from those we have struggled alongside for years. We print introductions, poetry, updates, and the first steps in a debate on prison strikes and reformism. Since we refuse any ideology that flattens the polymorphous nature of anarchist thought and practice, we print these very different texts with joy at each of their particularities.

We send our love to all anarchist combatants caught in the enemy’s dungeons!

– “All Prisoners are Political” by Sean Swain
– “Remember the Dead, Solidarity for the Living” by Brandon Baxter
– A letter from Manuel Salas
– Call for support from Anarchist Black Cross – Florida Prison Chapter
– A letter from Todd Shepard
– Introduction by Christopher L. Young
– “From an Alabama Prison” by Fahamivu Amon
– An update from Gender Anarky
– A letter from Julia Wheelwright
– “Silent Scream” by Francisca Orellana Polanko
– “Buckin in the BOP” by anonymous
– “Federal Sentencing Reforms” by anonymous
– A letter from Michael Kimble
– “Chaotic Confinement” by Charles Chatman
– A Letter from Blacc Lion
– A chronology of the last four months of revolt, repression, and attack.
– “For Spyros Dravilas: Awaiting the Hour of Vengeance”


Some updates

We have added some new info pages for anarchist and anti-authoritarian prisoners to our website:
Christopher L. Young, a queer anarchist imprisoned in Kentucky
Terrence Adderly, part of the Anarchist Black Cross – Florida Prison Chapter
Julia Wheelwright, an individualist anarchist imprisoned in Utah
Todd Shepard, anti-authoritarian combatant doing time for the murder of a Missouri cop
Manuel Salas, vegan anarchist of the National Animal Rights and Anarchist Network

We also want to draw attention to recent writings by the trans woman anarchist-nihilist prison collective Gender Anarky, who continue to inspire us with their words and deeds: http://genderanarkycollective.noblogs.org

Virginia Anarchist Arrested, Support Funds Needed

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From: http://anarchistnews.org/content/virginia-anarchist-arrested-support-funds-needed

Richmond, Virginia:

On Monday, July 27th, our friend and comrade, Stephen Loughman, was arrested and charged with “breach of peace” for his support the week before at an anti-KKK rally in Columbia, SC on July 18th, 2015. Local activists had called on folks from across the southern region to help South Carolina’s communities stand against the Klan and other hate groups, who like many groups were trying to use the Confederate flag debate as a recruitment tool.

We would like to bring attention to the many mistakes the media made while covering this story. Even though the chapters of the Ku Klux Klan and National Socialist Movement (a neo-Nazi group) were also from out of state, the media and the local sheriff’s office would have you believe that Stephen makes “a career” out of traveling around and causing trouble. This is blatantly untrue and is a tactic that has been historically used to undermine people’s movements struggling for liberation, particularly in the South. In addition, the skewed coverage by WISTV10 also fails to mention Stephen as an explicitly anti-racist protester, potentially putting his reputation and safety on the line. Stephen was also never contacted for his part of the story. While we understand that white power hate groups have a history of seeking retaliation against people who oppose them, including harassment, intimidation, and physical violence, we want to take this opportunity to clarify why Stephen was there because the media did not do so. This irresponsible coverage has the potential to put our friend in real danger in a multitude of ways.

The smear campaign that has begun against Stephen is an obvious attempt to distance South Carolina residents from any image of discontent and anger against both popular and institutional white supremacy. The KKK and the NSM are trying to defend and proliferate white supremacy at all costs. In the wake of righteous sadness and anger, fueled by Dylann Roof’s acts in Charleston, the state and the police still stand to protect these and other hate groups that inspired him. His political violence in the murder of 9 black people was a spark that lit the fire against institutions set up in South Carolina centuries ago. From the clandestine attacks on a dozen black churches, to the every day brutality of police departments and prisons across the country, we can be sure that white supremacy is alive and well in the U.S.

Although Stephen was in direct contact with the arresting officer the day of the protests, he was never arrested or told he had a warrant until he went back to South Carolina to retrieve his confiscated phone a week later. He was then taken to the deplorable Alvin S. Glenn Detention Center, where he was held in unclean facilities. Steve has since had to see a doctor for a Staph infection he received in custody.

Don’t let the authorities and the media paint the events of July 18th as the work of a lone white anarchist. The communities that stood against white supremacists, the true “outside agitators,” that day did so on their terms, to defend their city. If that means calling friends for help, so be it.

Towards a world without white supremacy,
The Defend Steve Support Committee

to donate to Steve’s support efforts:


A sample of the ludicrous coverage:


Upcoming Czech Film Night, Prisoner Solidarity & Discussion! (with food!)

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Tuesday 18 August 2015, 7 – 9pm

Hydra Bookshop, 34 Old Market Street, BS2 0EZ Bristol, United Kingdom


Czech anarchists have faced a wave of repression and intimidation due to the recent ‘operation fenix(phoenix)’.

Houses were raided, squats evicted, organising spaces attacked, dozens arrested & injured, draconian ‘anti terror’ legislation used, and websites taken down (including that of our Czech & Slovakian sister organisation Anarchistická Federace).

What led to this repression? What have activists been doing on the ground in the Czech Republic? Most importantly, how can we offer our solidarity?

Czech activists, and friends of those arrested, will be discussing the repression and activism in the Czech Republic. From forcing a resurgent neo nazi movement off the streets, to campaigning for animal rights and combating a rise in Islamaphobia and anti-Roma rhetoric.

We will also be showing the award winning documentry Dust Games (86minutes), which tells the story of the battle against the IMF and World Bank in Prague – perhaps the largest mobilisation since the formation of the Republic.

There are important lessons to be learnt for us in the UK, as well as an oppurtunity to put our ideals of international solidarity into practice!

We’ll be asking for donations to send to Czech comrades to help with legal defence and prisoner support, and will be offering food prepared by a chef at a popular local Indian restraunt aswell as Hydra’s usual selection of drinks and snacks!

For more info about the repression visit: http://antifenix.noblogs.org

Upcoming Czech Film Night, Prisoner Solidarity & Discussion! (with food!)

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Tuesday 18 August 2015, 7 – 9pm

Hydra Bookshop, 34 Old Market Street, BS2 0EZ Bristol, United Kingdom


Czech anarchists have faced a wave of repression and intimidation due to the recent ‘operation fenix(phoenix)’.

Houses were raided, squats evicted, organising spaces attacked, dozens arrested & injured, draconian ‘anti terror’ legislation used, and websites taken down (including that of our Czech & Slovakian sister organisation Anarchistická Federace).

What led to this repression? What have activists been doing on the ground in the Czech Republic? Most importantly, how can we offer our solidarity?

Czech activists, and friends of those arrested, will be discussing the repression and activism in the Czech Republic. From forcing a resurgent neo nazi movement off the streets, to campaigning for animal rights and combating a rise in Islamaphobia and anti-Roma rhetoric.

We will also be showing the award winning documentry Dust Games (86minutes), which tells the story of the battle against the IMF and World Bank in Prague – perhaps the largest mobilisation since the formation of the Republic.

There are important lessons to be learnt for us in the UK, as well as an oppurtunity to put our ideals of international solidarity into practice!

We’ll be asking for donations to send to Czech comrades to help with legal defence and prisoner support, and will be offering food prepared by a chef at a popular local Indian restraunt aswell as Hydra’s usual selection of drinks and snacks!

For more info about the repression visit: http://antifenix.noblogs.org

New Zine: The struggle against the maxi-prison in Brussels

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The struggle against the maxi-prison in Brussels – A chronology of attack & antagonism

PDF links (high res, low res and imposed): http://personsunknown.noblogs.org/post/2015/07/12/the-struggle-against-the-maxi-prison-in-brussels-a-chronology-of-attack-antagonism/

The Belgian State has been announcing it for some time: building 13 new modern and efficient prisons.

As part of this new master-plan the State wants to build a maxi-prison in Haren, northern Brussels. It is intended as the largest prison in the country, a genuine prison town that would include five different prisons on the same terrain. It would then lock up at least 1,200 men, women and children.

With the fight against the construction of this monstrosity raging on, this 48-page publication features analysis and a chronology of attack from the past two and a half years of struggle against this project.


– No new prisons, no maxi-prison in Brussels!
– The struggle against building a maxi-prison and the offensive of power
– No maxi-prison, not here, nor anywhere!
– Let’s rebel against the construction of a maxi-prison
– On your marks, get set, go!
– To the undesirables
– Break the ranks
– For the insurrection
– Sabotage
– To the uncontrollables
– Chronology of attack & antagonism

Anti-Austerity Court Solidarity 27th July 2015

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vgLgAs7m (1)
Time: 12.00pm
Date: Monday 27th July 2015
Location: Cardiff Crown Court
Address: Cathays Park, Cardiff, CF10 3PG

Demonstration to show solidarity with two facing serious charges after being violently attcked and arrested by police at an anti-cuts demonstration at a HSBC branch in Cardiff in May this year.

There will be a short solidarity demonstration outside the court from 12.00 pm on Monday the 27th of July 2015. Anti-repression and anti-austerity banners and well-wishers welcome.

Were you present at the Mayday demonstration and march in May 2015? Even if you think you didn’t see anything you may be able to provide useful defence evidence as to the nature of the day.
If you think you may be able to help please email: bristoldefendantsolidarity@riseup.net

Toulouse, France: Summary of the arrests, convictions and sentences from recent ZAD demos

admin repression, soldarity

About the arrestees, convictions and those locked-up from the November and February ZAD demonstrations in Toulouse. A call for solidarity.

Whilst there is currently a campaign of international solidarity and also against the conviction of a single demonstrator from November, it seems important to us to sum up the verdicts and bring forward our modest point of view about the situation. And call widely for solidarity from all.

To recall, the November demonstrations started with the death of a young man [Rémi Fraisse, October 25th 2014]. On the ZAD of Testet there were people saying that one day or another the wild, legal and determined action from the state forces will finish badly. For many the emotion was strong, as we could have been in his place. The identification with him was not the same, when some days earlier, in the centre of Toulouse, a BAC cop [anti-crime brigade] killed a youth during a robbery.

Demonstrations started from Sunday October 25th, but it was only from November 1st that the repression became systematic in Toulouse.

Of what we know, we counted :

1st of November, 16 people arrested;
8th of November, 21 people arrested;
22th of November, 17 arrests, 18 if you count the person arrested the following Tuesday during support gatherings at the court.
21st of February, 13 people charged.

There were a total of at least:

6 people imprisoned of which 4 are still behind bars in Seysses [Toulouse] 47 months of imprisonment
34 months of suspended sentences
860 hours of community service
€5000 of fines
€10,450 of costs for the cops
€2,400 for the cop’s lawyers (February only)
€45,500 of costs for property damage

68 persons in total were arrested during these demos. Some of them were released without charges or conditionally discharged. Without counting the repression against the ZAD and against the demonstrations in Tarn [region of the Sivens ZAD] (where there were 41 arrestees).

(the figures given here are subject to change given the various hearings to come and convictions that will be missed by our monitoring)

We don’t want to fall tempted to the idea that these are new and uncommon acts. We have seen the militarisation of the police, their systematic utilisation in the lower class neighbourhoods, the use of clashes and aggression, that fatally causes mutilation, injury and death. This is not an excess or an accident. This is the consequential logic of social order. We believe we have to organize solidarity and arm our defence, facing the practical problems in our struggles posed to us by the justice system, the police, and its weapons. We have to make the link between the everyday repression of illegal crimes and the repression against our struggles. We have to finish with the idea that the police are doing a good job when not represses us. The police, the justice, the prison are instruments which make social destruction possible.

We have sent (and will continue to send) money to people incarcerated; generally we financially help people accused in these kind of cases. It is a heavy load for us so we call for widespread solidarity. You can help up by sending donations written out to “C.A.J” (nothing else) or CAJ c/o Canal sud 40 rue Alfred Duméril, 31200 Toulouse (France).

Legal Aid Self-Defence Fund Toulouse
Email: caj31[at]riseup.net

Repression in Belarus & the Czech Republic – Infotour 2015

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Joint event with Bristol Anarchist Federation!

Monday, June 22 at 7:00pm9:00pm in UTC+01

Robertson Road, BS5 6 Bristol, United Kingdom
We are lucky to provide a rare chance to talk with comrades from the Anarchist Black Cross in Belarus and Belarus Anarchist Federation (ФАБ) and learn about the repression they face and their resistance to it.

Despite the welcome release of Pavel Syramolatau in September 2012, comrades supported by the Anarchist Black Cross are still in Belarusian jails facing years of incarceration. These convictions form part of an ideologically driven repression of anarchists in Belarus, following the revitalisation of Belarusian anarchism in the past few years.

The Belarusian ABC has campaigned tirelessly for the release of anarchists and other political prisoners. In the mean time they have faught for access to or provided the basics of prison survival; visits, medication, food, letters, legal support and literature.

They have also recently been supporting comrades in the Czech Republic who have been under sustained attack by the state. Supported by the International of Anarchist Federations (IFA-IAF) they are undertaking a tour of to raise awareness of the situation in the region and spark further solidarity.

Bristol ABC : https://bristolabc.wordpress.com/
Belarus ABC: http://abc-belarus.org/?lang=en
International: http://i-f-a.org/

Background info on ‘Operation Phoenix’ in the Czech Republic: http://325.nostate.net/?p=16254
and here: https://glasgowanarchists.wordpress.com/2015/05/10/brutal-attack-czech/