Operation Pinata: Five comrades imprisoned, ten conditionally bailed, address for three of the prisoners

admin repression, soldarity

Via Squat.net.

Early afternoon on Wednesday 1st April, the judge of the Audiencia Nacional [National High  Court] Eloy Velasco, remanded in prison 5 of the 15 individuals arrested on Monday 30th March during the police operation named Piñata. 24 others were arrested during the 17 raids, which took place in Madrid, Barcelona, Palencia and Granada, for “disobedience and resistance”, who were then subsequently released.

The judge remanded in prison the following comrades:
Paul Jara Cevallos* (Madrid),
Jorge Linares Izquierdo (Madrid),
Javier García Castro* (Madrid),
Javier Grijalbo Adan (Palencia)
Enrique Balaguer Pérez* (Madrid)

*Prison address at the end of the article

The 10 others (three from Barcelona and seven in Madrid) were released on conditional bail under judicial supervision (passport confiscation, ban on leaving the territory, and to sign-on every 15 days). They remain accused of belonging to GAC [Coordinated Anarchist Groups, see preface to the booklet ‘Against Democracy‘ for more info].

The five remanded are all charged with participating in a terrorist organisation (of an ” insurrectionist-anarchist” orientation, extol the newspapers) or the offense of “criminal organisation” under Article 570bis of the Criminal Code, with the aggravating circumstance “of subverting public order and seriously disrupting the social peace.” The name of this organisation is the Coordinated Anarchist Groups  (GAC), which is accused of “promotion and the coordination of sabotage”, including 113 ATMs in February 2015, and to be possibly linked to incendiary attacks against the Basilica–Pillar Cathedral in Zaragoza (for which Mónica and Francisco have been remanded in preventative detention for over a year) and the Almudena Cathedral  in Madrid (February 7th and October 1st 2013 respectively).

The material items cited by the judge were those found during the raids, such as; “manuals for making explosive devices and guerrilla tactics”, camping gas canisters, “photos of police and police stations”, “self-defense manuals and techniques to avoid surveillance”, “technical devices for encrypted access to wifi to render web browsing anonymous”.

In short, literature, lots of literature as per usual, while Velasco boasts about having imprisoned “GAC leaders from Madrid, Barcelona and Palencia”. The comrade from Madrid, Enrique “Kike”, accused of being the national pseudo-leader of GAC, had just been released from prison on January 30, with other co-defendants of the previous operation, Pandora. The four others made headlines as being “responsible for the financial apparatus, propaganda and direct action” of the GAC or that of “head of the GAC” in Madrid and Palencia. The state looks at its ugly face in the mirror, and onto comrades without masters or slaves, projects its own characteristics made ​​up of hierarchies, leaders and specialisation. In total, this is the third police investigation in over a year under the pretext of attacks attributed to coordinated anarchist groups, and the number of raids now stands at around thirty, with the indictments now at at least 28.

As they exited the judge’s office, a gathering of around sixty people in solidarity unfolded, at which journalists were notably singled out with shouts of “scavengers”. A new solidarity gathering was held in Madrid on Wednesday 1st April at 9pm, at the square Tirso de Molina, with a call-out that clearly states the reason: “Solidarity. Mutual Aid. Direct Action. Death to the State and long live anarchy”. During the demo yesterday [March 31st] in the same place, four people were arrested and clashes with cops resulted in twelve minor injuries (eight cops).

Neither innocent nor guilty,
Freedom for all!
For offensive solidarity!

[Translated by Squat!net from Brèves du désordre, April 1st 2015.
Sourced from the Spanish press and websites of the “movement”]

Here is the provisional address of three of the five imprisoned comrades as part of Operation Piñata (they may be transferred):

Paul Jara Cevallos
Enrique Balaguer Pérez
Javier Garcia Castro

(Prisoner Name)
Centro Penitenciario Madrid V
Apdo. Correos 200 Colmenar Viejo
Madrid Codigo Postal 28770

Letter from Prisoner Emma Sheppard, March 2015 – Prisons do not work for anyone – except those who profit from them.

admin prison policy, soldarity

Translations: Français

Last night I saw the moon and a star. It was the first time in a long-time. It made me think of all my friends, old and new,and wonder what they were doing under its glow. I feel so lucky to be part of a wide network of people. Anything seems possible when you know you have support. But whilst these thoughts make prison bearable, I will never forget the violence of the system.

The prisons are nearly full. So they are building more. From Topshop to Tesco, DHL to Lend Lease, and Virgin to Geoamey, there is a lot of money in the prison regime. Now private ‘Community Rehabilitation Companies’ are running the probation service. Christopher Grayling has announced another ‘rehabilitative initiative’ for the Ministry of Justice. Prisoners will create sandbags, fence posts and kit for the Armed Forces, in order to ‘learn important new skills’ and the ‘value of a hard days work’.

The word rehabilitation is never far away inside these walls. But prison has a long shadow – it isolates, separates and destroys lives. Much has been written recently about women in prison. Even Vicky Pryce – ex-wife of a Tory MP has called for change. But whilst women in prison certainly have, to use the language of the screws, ‘complex needs’, calls for reform on gendered lines oversimplify the problem. Prisons do not work for anyone – except those who profit from them.

And what does ‘rehabilitation’ even mean? Repenting for your crime? Bowing down to supposedly benevolent systems which are offered to us as ‘choices’? Rehabilitation is used like a carrot we are meant to chase. But I will not participate in a race to make sandbags. There is no rehabilitation in an IPP, CSC or seg. When people are shipped out without warning. This is not rehabilitation.

Assata Shakur described one of the many show trials she was subjected to. Whilst I am not in any way comparing myself to her, the sentiment really resonated with me:

“Participating in the New Jersey Trial was unprincipled and incorrect. By participating, I participated in my own oppression. I should have known better and not lent credence to that sham. In the long run, the people are our only appeal. The only ones who can free us are ourselves.”

Some people successfully detox in prison, many relapse. Some leave their abusive relationships, may return. Just like the myth of ‘protection’ the police perpetuate, ‘rehabilitation’ is a convenient facade which hides systemic violence. The decisions people make in prison may benefit or harm them. But any positive changes the individual makes happen in spite of, not due to, the ‘opportunities’ we receive. I will never forget the razor wire and the sound of the key in the door. but even though you lock me in, I am not alone.

Much love,

Em x

For more information about Emma’s case & her contact details visit: https://bristolabc.wordpress.com/support-emma/

Screws badly beat detainee in Brook House migration prison

admin repression

The recent wave of hunger strikes and other protests in UK migration prisons has subsided, as prisoners have been silenced, moved between prisons, and humiliated and beaten. This report from the Anti Raids Network is just one of many cases of how people are treated in detention centres and during deportation attempts.

Tahar Khalifa beaten by guards in an attempted deportation on Tuesday 31st March.

On Tuesday, 31st March, Tahar Khalifa, detained at Brook House detention centre [one of the two migration prisons inside the perimeter of Gatwick Airport], was forcibly removed from the centre in an attempted deportation to Tunisia, on flight TU791 at 1745hrs. As he was going up the stairs to the plane he was physically assaulted and beaten by the guards.

In a statement Tahar says that there were multiple officers trying to get him up the stairs; one was choking him, another was twisting his upper body. Tahar was handcuffed at the front and one officer was holding him by the wrist and pulling very hard.

The attempted deportation has left Tahar with multiple physical injuries. The handcuffs left him with deep cuts on his wrist; two of his fingers on his left hand are swollen very badly and he can’t move them and he has an injury to his leg.

Tahar has indefinite leave to remain in Greece and has lived there for 21 years. UKBA was trying to remove him to Tunisia against his wishes. Tahar has said he will go back to Greece, as he should by law under the Dublin convention, but does not want to go to Tunisia.

When Tahar arrived back at Brook House, one detainee was witness to his injuries when he was brought back to the centre called 999. He was put through to 101, which he called several times. As soon as the local police force heard he was calling from Brook House, they ‘didn’t want to know’ and said it was nothing to do with them.

The witness spoke to three people in the local force, they all said the same thing. He called 999 a second time, who also said that Brook House was not their responsibility. The police called Brook House and informed the officers of the name of the caller. The officers came and questioned the caller threateningly about why he had called the police.

Tahar described that the officers were “really worried” after the incident and took him to hospital, where he stayed for about 5 hours. That night he was feeling very paranoid because he didn’t feel safe in the cell and had to have people around him all the time. The next day he saw the doctor inside Brook House, together with a witness who helped with translation and tried to explain about the paranoia and flashbacks that had followed the attack. The witness saw the paper the doctor was writing on, and he was signed off as without serious problem.

There was a nurse present with a camera but she did not take pictures of the injuries. When the witness mentioned the police, the nurse’s “face changed and she was really angry”.

One witness said:

“they know what they are doing. They pull the fingers from the joints so they don’t break them but it causes so much pain and damage. If it had been an officer who was beaten up the police would have come right away. We don’t feel safe to be in the care of the state because they have left our care in the hands of agency workers. We don’t have access to any legal information or anything like that. We don’t have access to the internet. We have computers in there but just screens not internet. Access is denied to all websites. It’s just a facade. He’s a humble guy, he’s not a trouble maker. He’s not a violent man, he can’t even speak English”

This incident is not an isolated case but part of a systematically violent immigration detention regime. Several reports released last month document the abuse and racism detainees suffer in detention centres in the UK:

*Recent report on Harmondsworth by Corporate Watch: ‘Its gonna break: life in the UK’s biggest detention centre’

* Channel 4 on Yarlswood.

Over 20 people have been killed in the UK detention system alone, and this figure does not include all the people killed in prisons or by the police.

In 2009 Jimmy Mubenga was killed during an attempted removal to Angola by plane.

Shut down all detention centres.
No deportations. No Borders. No Eurodac.


Photos of some of his injuries.

Cardiff: demo in solidarity with the CCF hunger strikers in Greece

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Via Act for Freedom Now.

WALES -Cardiff – Demonstration in solidarity with the hunger striking members of CCF and their friends and families

Today at 1pm in Cardiff city centre we held a demonstration in solidarity with the hunger striking members of CCF [Conspiracy of Cells of Fire] and their friends and families. We handed out flyers explaining their situation and demands while shouting chants in English and Greek. After the demonstration we hung a banner in the city and scattered flyers from the roof.

Strength and complicity to CCF and their friends and relatives

Long live anarchy!

*we will send pics soon.

PS: also on the Greek hunger strike: latest statement “Amongst Two Worlds” from the CCF hunger strikers.

Radio broadcast in English with updates on the hunger strike: http://radio98fm.espiv.net/DIAFORA/EnglishSpotHungerStrike.mp3

April 1st: International Day of Action for Hunger Strikers in Greek Prisons

admin soldarity


Via Contrainfo.

The imprisoned anarchists who participate in DAK (Network of Imprisoned Fighters) Antonis Stamboulos, Tasos Theofilou, Giorgos Karagianidis, Dimitris Politis, Fivos Harisis, Argyris Ntalios, Andreas-Dimitris Bourzoukos, Grigoris Sarafoudis and Yannis Michailidis, the Revolutionary Struggle members Nikos Maziotis and Kostas Gournas, the 17 November (17N) member Dimitris Koufontinas, a number of political prisoners originating from Turkey, and the prisoners Giorgos Sofianidis and Mohamed-Said Elchibah are currently on hunger strike, fighting against the legal and repressive state of exception which has been established by the Greek state since the beginning of 2000.

On March 2nd 2015, we commenced a struggle together with the comrades outside the prison walls for abolition of type C maximum security prisons, abolition of the antiterrorist legislation, abolition of the hoodie law, for a fundamental change in the process of taking and identifying DNA evidence, and the release of the polytrauma patient, 17N member Savvas Xiros.

Our struggle for the fulfillment of these demands is a struggle against the very core of a state of emergency. It is a struggle against the very core of a new totalitarianism established over the past 15 years both in Greece and worldwide.

Recognizing the fact that the nexus between the plans of domination surpasses the narrow geographical boundaries of states, we call all comrades around the world to support our fight.

We call all fighters to carry out solidarity actions on April 1st, and thus send a message of revolutionary unity.


DAK: Network of Imprisoned Fighters

in Greek, Spanish, Serbo-Croatian, German

Frack Free Festival benefit for the Mi’Kmaq Warriors

admin events, soldarity

Frack Free Bristol presents a Frack Free Festival (that’s family friendly!) In solidarity with the Mi’Kmaq Indigenous Canadian people resisting Fracking on their lands. (See info at bottom of page)

Bristol ABC will be doing a stall & have cards for the current prisoners. Please promote!


From 2:30-6pm there will be a family friendly day of free activities (all donations welcome) including: face-painting, 8 foot tall puppet dinosaurs, ‘Bat-a-Frack’ interactive drilling rig, environmental colouring in sheets, live films, Q&A talks. stalls & displays opening out onto Stokes Croft.

Free entry from 2:30-6pm. Music £5 entry afterwards:

DUB MAFIA: The seven-piece band – who blend drum and bass, dub, dubstep, bashment, breakbeat and world music into their own unique sound (with a strict policy of ‘no backing tracks’ – ever), Dub Mafia have become one of the most popular dance acts in the UK & Europe.


SIAN EVANS & RON MCELROY: Sian Evans, singer of Kosheen, teams up with guitarist Ron McElroy for a unique and magic collaboration. Usually playing huge venues with her band, the two artists are going to be bringing the fire and passion of Kosheen’s music to a stripped down and beautiful acoustic performance. Not to be missed!


TROY ELLIS & HIS HAIL JAMAICA BAND: Troy is one of the sons of the legendary Alton Ellis OD, born in Trench Town, Kingston, Jamaica. Studio One, Treasure Isle, Coxsone & Channel One studios are places his dad took him where he learn’t to familiarise himself with artists and inspirational characters such as Bob Marley.


WILL TUN & THE WASTERS: Dancing forward on the ale swilling, table stomping feet of Folk, the piston pumping, train fare jumping legs of Ska, the dusty, husky, seductive hips of Balkan Gypsy, Will Tun And The Wasters are on a world-wide mission to get everyone involved!


CRINKLE CUTS: Fresh with a capital PH, Crinkle Cuts deliver you a blasting of tantric funk, smooth reggae and new-wave latin ska woven together in a bombastic psychedelic tapestry of good vibes for an eccentric, exotic and eargasmic live performance.


REGIME: Tackling issues such as drug abuse, arms dealing and government oppression, Regime speak directly to the hearts and minds of free thinking people. Social and political commentaries are blended seamlessly with hip hop, reggae and rock to make audiences jump, laugh and think.

