Bristol ABC statement about the death of IPP prisoner Keith Gadd, who took his own life at HMP Bristol last week

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Another IPP prisoner took their own life last Thursday 9th March, at HMP Bristol.

Keith Gadd took his own life, after he was turned down for release. Something which we’re sure had happened to him countless times before. 

We are writing this statement to remember Keith, and express anger and rage at HMP and the Ministry of Justice over his death. 

People who have been given IPPs, or Indeterminate Sentences for Public Protection, do not have a set release date. In effect IPP sentences are the equivalent of a life sentence for minor crimes. They mean psychological torture for the people who are serving them. 

The IPP sentence was abolished in 2012, but not retrospectively. The government only intended to give out 900 of these sentences but 8711 were dished out in the time before it was abolished. And still today thousands of people remain in prison, or at perpetual risk of an indefinite recall, as a result of being given an IPP.

IPP’s have the highest rates of self harm and suicide of any group of people in prison, including lifers. At least 81 IPP prisoners have taken their own lives, after giving up hope of ever being released and 255 IPP prisoners have died in prison.

Deaths in custody in Bristol: 

Keith’s death is just the latest death in Bristol’s prisons.

Some of us knew Taylor, who took his own life at Bristol’s HMP Eastwood Park on 9th July 2022 – after serving over 14 years of an IPP sentence. Shortly before he killed himself, Taylor was beaten savagely by prison officers. Read ABC’s statement here –

Clare Dupree died after a fire in her cell at Eastwood Park after a fire on December 26th, other prisoners heard her scream for the screws to help her, but they say the door was not opened. You can read our statement here –

Another prisoner called Kayleigh took her own life last year, after she too was brutally beaten by officers at Eastwood Park

Not one more death

We will not accept the continued deaths in custody in our community. Keith – like Taylor, Clare and Kayleigh – was murdered by the state. We call on our comrades to take action wherever they are, and in whatever way they see fit, to remember those who have died in prison, and to avenge their deaths. It is up to us to show our rage against this murderous system.

We know that what’s happening in Bristol, is a microcosm of the suffering caused by the carceral system globally. We would like to send a message of solidarity to all those struggling for the abolition of this system. 

We would like to show solidarity and support to Keith’s family and friends, if you knew Keith we invite you contact us at

Smash IPP

Abolish HMP 

No-one forgotten, nothing forgiven 

Bristol ABC

A Decade of Discrimination Amounting to Torture: Living Inside Britain’s Most Secure Prisons

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The prison system is by design, racist. Everyone who has ever had any contact with it knows this to be a fact, but it is not something which is ever admitted by those who operate it. That was until the Ministry of Justice (MOJ) on Wednesday 16th November 2022, conceded the position in anticipation of the damning judgement which was sure to come that day in the Central London County Court in response to litigation I had been forced to bring.

Following false allegations being made against me by racist and corrupt prison employees at HMP Frankland in March 2010, I was transferred into what is known as the Close Supervision Centre (CSC) system. The CSC is effectively a prison within a prison, supposedly created to house only the most dangerous men serving a prison sentence which back then amounted to less than 30 prisoners, although is now double that amount. In November/December 2011, I was proven to be innocent of the malicious allegations against me with HMP Frankland being exposed as the brutal, racist and corrupt institution it is throughout the trial in Newcastle Crown Court to the extent that the then Governing Governor of the prison had no choice but to resign in disgrace. Unsatisfied with this result, those public servants running the CSC conspired to recruit some of the most despised men in the CSC to subject me to a campaign of discriminatory harassment, abuse, threats, and assaults.

From 2012 at HMP Woodhill, the discrimination began. The first recruit was the woman killing rapist, Daniel ‘Danny’ Walker, who had come to the CSC from the Vulnerable Prisoner (VP) wings where he had sought protection due to the nature of his crimes and had foolishly participated in an intended compensation scam resulting in his co-conspirator being too severely injured and blaming Walker. This scumbag was rewarded with extra privileges, such as bonus payments, tobacco, and significantly extra time out of his cell in return for the harassment he directed at me. The Prisons and Probation Ombudsman (PPO) were particularly critical of HMP Woodhill, the CSC, and their lack of investigation into the blatant discrimination let alone the total absence of any form of sanction for it. The recommendations the PPO made were supposedly fully accepted by the prison system which would have put an end to the campaign, so obviously they were instead ignored.

At about this time, the management of the CSC fell under the remit of Richard Vince, now the Executive Director of the Long-Term and High Security Estate (LTHSE), who quickly appointed his wife, Georgina Vince, as the forensic psychologist with the responsibility of overseeing the psychological approach applied within the CSC and to the CSC prisoners. For me, this meant psychological warfare intended to break my spirit to be majorly applied by the collaborators recruited from the ranks of the most despicable CSC prisoners. The Vinces, along with a few other senior officials within HMPPS, initially conspired to have me illegitimately sectioned under the Mental Health Act but upon being told that their efforts to break me had not caused me to develop a major mental disorder which could be said to justify such a transfer, supercharged the discrimination campaign obviously with the hope of eventually achieving this aim.

I was sent to HMP Wakefield, specifically within their CSC Exceptional Risk Unit (ERU) which is only supposed to hold the 8 most dangerous prisoners in the country. This relocation made no sense to me at the time, as the verdict of the court as well as an expert report had by then given clear directions that I did not fit the criteria for the CSC, let alone the CSC ERU; but the CSC management knew exactly what they were doing. Although each prisoner within the ERU is kept in solitary confinement, the ability to pass others locked behind metal bars or within cages exists, as well as communication being possible out of cell windows. Not everyone wanted to get out of these cages like I did, some were desperate to stay locked in them for their own safety having perpetrated unforgiveable acts upon other prisoners for which they know payback is certain to come however long it must wait. As well as being extremely psychologically vulnerable due to the impact of detention within the CSC, their fear of reprisals made them easy to manipulate by those running the system and so turning them into weapons to be used against me was not difficult. The thousands of case papers which later emerged from this litigation illuminated both why they were desperate, and what this desperation amounted to.

The worst of these collaborators were:

  • Clifton ‘Yankee’ Jeter, a confused Black man who was born in Liverpool but grew-up within an American army base in Germany once his mother had formed a relationship with a Puerto Rican soldier in the US army. He had been one of the most vocal members of the extremist Islamophobic gang within prisons who call themselves ‘the piranhas’, and although he had never actually physically attacked a Muslim, he had sought protection from the reprisals he knew were coming his way (for the vile discriminatory abuse he had been shouting-out from within the isolation of his locked cell) when he applied to become, and was accepted as, a VP while in the segregation unit of HMP Long Lartin of 20111. Eventually his fear of reprisals led him to what was then known as the Managing Challenging Behaviour Strategy (MCBS) Unit in HMP Woodhill where he was allowed to mix with only a few prisoners at a time, enabling him to coerce another prisoner into giving him oral sex within the showers purportedly as payment for the protection of the piranhas;
  • Jason Gomez, a racist extremist who had fled main location after running-up a major drug debt in 2014, and subsequently fled the VP wings in HMP Full Sutton for the same reason in 2015, then committed a random murder at HMP Swaleside upon the prisoner who appeared the most frail and weak that he could find along with his racist co-defendant, Paul Wadkin, seeking the safety of the isolation that the CSC brought him;
  • Douglas ‘Gary’ Vinter, a double murderer and attempted rapist with a natural life sentence from Middlesborough. He had sadistically made false allegations against the teenage son of the second woman he had killed and attempted to rape after dragging her out of a pub by her hair and taking her to his mother’s nearby bungalow where he stabbed her to death. He caused the boy to be remanded to prison and put on trial for threats to kill that he had never made, only to later laugh about not only setting him up with his lies but also killing his mother when he was challenged at the boy’s criminal trial2. He had been run-off of the wings and taken to threatening to attempt to murder the most high profile prisoner he came across if forced to mix again, Roy Whiting being the last one he got to within the VP units;
  • Charles ‘Bronson’ Salvador, the 5 ft 6 former Muslim who calls himself Britain’s most notorious prisoner. He had been responsible for the creation of the CSC having taken the art teacher hostage and smashed-up what was called the Special Unit at HMP Hull, where he had been located following a repeated refusal to locate in multiple prisons after committing a disgusting rape upon another prisoner at HMP Long Lartin which became common knowledge among all long-term prisoners due to his boasting;
  • Like these 4, the other collaborators are all racist and Islamophobic with at best questionable histories which often contain acts of sexual deviance and/or allocation to VP units, many of whom came to join the fascist CSC gang who call themselves ‘death before dishonour’, ‘DBD’, ‘424’, or the prison wide gang ‘the piranhas’. All received preferential treatment for performing the dirty work and thought nothing about selling-out to the system to meet their own selfish needs.

As well as shouting racist and Islamophobic abuse at me on a daily basis, I was also repeatedly subject to threats to kill and/or sexually assault me as well as being spat at and having excrement thrown at me3. This discriminatory harassment also included the targeting of my visitors who were made to see me inside the ERU, with even my grandmother being racially abused and threatened with rape and murder by these nonces despite being a wheelchair bound woman in her 80s. It is important to recognise that none of this was done discretely, the culprits wanted their bosses to witness their work and so all of this occurred in front of the prison officers, including on occasion governors, who did nothing but revel in their handiwork.

After 2-years of this harassment, I was finally returned to HMP Woodhill CSC Unit only to be joined there the same day by Daniel Walker. Along with various other racist extremists who were located there including Jordan Palmer who had murdered a Muslim prisoner in HMP Peterborough, and Martin Fieldhouse who had been shouting racist abuse from within solitary confinement for years, they continued the discrimination and even exchanged letters with their DBD gang to plot what to do and how to obtain the greatest reward from the prison for it.

Following multiple other transfers, and a never-ending campaign which even led to an attempt on my life within the CSC unit of HMP Full Sutton4, which was facilitated by the whole staffing group there after the culprit discussed his plan with them in advance to do this, a legal challenge became the only way I was going to obtain recognition for what was happening and potentially bring about change. The MOJ designated the CSC Operational Manager to be responsible for instructing the Government Legal Department (GLD) to defend the case, who then chose to cause the process to be dragged-out as long as possible while persistently refusing to engage in any form of alternative dispute resolution and repeatedly ignoring Court Orders. I can only assume the intention was to maximise the duration the discrimination campaign would continue against me before the conclusion of the litigation.

Eventually, the case was won and Judgement was entered in my favour on 17th August 2022 which accepted the full-facts as listed within my particulars of claim as being true and accurate. In summary, what this means is that the MOJ was found to have:

  1. ‘failed to take steps to protect [me] from inhuman and degrading treatment…;
  2. failed to take steps to protect [my] emotional and physical integrity…; and
  3. failed to carry out any or any proper investigation into the abuse [I] suffered…’

Within these elements of the case were further more detailed findings demonstrating systemic failures including that the MOJ:

  1. ‘Knew…that there was a real and immediate risk that [I] would be subjected to:
  2. Inhuman and degrading treatment;

ii. An unjustified interference with [my] emotional and physical autonomy; but

  1. Failed to take steps, within the scope of its powers… to avoid that risk.’

The factors which were proven which evidenced these systemic failures included that the MOJ:

  1. knew that the culprits ‘…had a propensity for violence and racist and/or religiously motivated abuse…’;
  2. ‘was aware of the DBD gang’s existence’;
  3. ‘placed [me] in cells where it was known that [I] would be at risk of racial and racist and religiously motivated abuse from other inmates’;
  4. ‘failed to move prisoners who were abusing and harassing [me]’;
  5. ‘failed to put in place any or any proper deradicalization process for extremist prisoners’;
  6. ‘failed to make alternative arrangements for [my] visits’;
  7. did not ‘take steps to prevent the DBD from operation’.

Discrimination was also proven as I was subject to less favourable treatment evidenced by the fact:

  1. ‘[I] was subject to abuse and harassment by other prisoners either wholly or in part because of [my] ethnic origins and/or the fact that [I] am Muslim;
  2. The [MOJ] failed to comply with its positive obligation to put into place any or any proper system to protect individuals in the position of [myself].’

These findings were aggravated by the fact that I suffer with Post-Traumatic Stress due to mistreatment within prison as well as ‘the differential treatment afforded to [me], in that [I] was placed on more restrictive regimes whilst the prisoners who had abused and harassed [me] were given more progressive transfers, less restrictive unlock levels and higher IEP (Incentive and Earned Privilege) levels.’

A date was set for a remedies hearing to determine how the MOJ should address their institutional failings on 16th November 2022. In the final hours preceding the hearing, the MOJ accepted that individuals employed by them to work within its prisons where I had been located (including HMPs Full Sutton, Wakefield, Woodhill, Whitemoor, Long Lartin, Manchester, and Belmarsh) since 2012 had collaborated with these racist extremists whereby they ‘failed to protect [me] from racist and religiously motivated abuse and assaults…and failed to properly investigate the same.’ The severity of this discrimination amounted to torture and so the MOJ agreed ‘it is declared that there has been a breach of [my] rights under Articles 3, 8, and 14 ECHR…’

For the MOJ to have admitted that since 2012 I have been tortured and discriminated against within the Close Supervision Centre, which the title of evidences the scrutiny those detained within face, is no small thing. This landmark case has vindicated what I have suspected for years, that these racist nonces are working with the prison while trying to create a fake persona to trick those less informed that they are in the CSC due to being dangerous, rather than for their own protection which is the truth of it. Let’s not forget, while this hate campaign and associated litigation were occurring, the government’s so-called independent advisor on terrorism legislation, Jonathan Hall, undertook a supposedly thorough investigation into extremism within prisons and found no evidence of any far-right or fascist groupings or concerns. The deliberate blindness to this major and growing threat by all levels of personnel within and connected to the MOJ cannot be permitted to continue, silence is violence and so corrective action is urgently required. I would much rather have never had to experience this, but insha’Allah my ordeal helps bring about change or at least illuminates the clandestine world that is the prison within prison to make those corrupt public servants less willing to enable discrimination. Although the United Nations Special Rapporteur against Torture raised my situation with the government last year5, I remain detained within solitary confinement so this victory is not the end of the battle.

Anyone who wants to help me in this struggle can contact me at Kevan Thakrar – A4907AE, HMP Belmarsh – Segregation Unit, Western Way, Thamesmead, London, SE28 0EB by letter, cards through, photos through, or emails via Alternatively, add your voice to the resistance on Please support Kevan financially if you are able:



3 November 2016 when Bronson attacked Kevan

4 December 2019 when McCarthy attacked Kevan

5 June 2021 in the Guardian United Nations Intervention

Support Black Lives Matter Prisoners

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A crowdfunder has been launched to raise funds for BLM prisoners who have recently been sentenced following protests in Newcastle in 2020.

Donate here:

This is a call for support for BLM activists imprisoned after a protest in Newcastle in 2020 was attacked by racist thugs. More than two years after the events, having been ‘under investigation’ with no charges brought for more than a year – three BLM activists have been given custodial sentences and are in need of support and solidarity.

What will the money be used for?:

  • Funds will be used to send to prisoners accounts for phone credit,  books, clothes, distance learning courses and helping people’s friends and families visit them. These funds will help towards making prison survivable


Two black lives matter activists were found guilty of ‘violent disorder’ after a jury trial in September 2022 – more than two years after the protest in 2020. One has now been sentenced to 2 years 5 months – the other 2 years 10 months.  A third BLM activist has nearly finished serving a prison sentence in connection with the protests but awaits news from the Home Office on his release.

Anyone who attended the Monument protests on 13 June 2020 knows that the far right ‘statue defenders’ came into town intent on getting drunk and committing violence. They were armed with bags of alcohol and smoke flares, they threw Nazi salutes and hurled racist abuse at BLM activists. Northumbria Police allowed these thugs to assemble at Monument, away from their advertised protest location at Old Eldon Square and in direct confrontation with the advertised BLM protest. Police allowed these thugs to drink alcohol and throw glass, cans and smoke flares at BLM activists. We were showered with glass bottles whilst ‘taking the knee’ for over 8 minutes. It is clear where the violent disorder came from. The previous week thousands of BLM protestors marched peacefully around the city centre without incident.  The charges of ‘violent disorder’ against BLM activists rely on ‘joint enterprise’, equating minor defensive action with the violence unleashed by the far right. Highlighting the racist injustices within the legal system, the BLM activists, all young Black and Asian men, have received some of the harshest sentences.

These charges were only brought in 2021 after a full year of silence from Northumbria police. Two were sentenced following a jury trial in September 2022, more than 2 years after the event. The Anti Racism Protest Defence Campaign has attended court cases and already distributed funds raised in 2020 to the three activists we are in touch with.  Now funds are desperately needed to support them through these unfair prison sentences.

Prisoners are human beings

Prisoners Are Human Beings – Article by Kevan Thakrar

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When the state disappears people, they imprison us. The whole process of becoming a prisoner is designed to strip the person of their personal autonomy. Individuality is something which must be removed and replaced with complete conformity, implemented through the oppressive control and restrictions of the prison environment. From the prison issue clothing, the degrading routine searching of the person, to the uniform design of the cells, people are transformed by this state dominance into products to be handled within the warehouses that are prisons.

When the prisons disappear people, they segregate us. The restrictions and conditions are so much more severe than anywhere else within the Segregation Units of the High Security Prisons of the men’s prison estate, deliberately so; intended to break the spirit of the men who for various reasons find ourselves detained within these punishment blocks. These environments inflict solitary confinement upon its victims often for an indefinite period of time, which means an excess of 22-hours a day locked in a cell in isolation and kept separated from all other prisoners during the brief time allowed to shower and/or get locked in a cage outside like an animal for ‘exercise’, and in my case has continued for 13- years so far. Remember how it felt to have to stay at home during the Covid lockdown, then imagine how many more restrictions you could have survived yet we must endure within segregation daily.

It would not be permissible to keep an animal in places like these, and there would be total outrage if a woman were to suffer such mistreatment, but men are culturally seen as tougher and much more deserving of this brutal inhumanity. From personal experience, I can confirm this differentiation of the sexes through the bad politics of the chauvinistic and anti-feminist approach which portrays women as ‘damsels in distress’ in need of help, and men as warriors capable of toughness only seen in the ‘stronger sex’, is absolute nonsense (it is this concept which sets the foundation for the perpetuation of the culture of toxic masculinity and misogyny that this country is drowning in). No human could possibly survive such inhumanity undamaged.

Even those good intentioned supporters of prisoners, and those opposed to the structure and/or existence of prisons, can easily fall into the trap of fighting the battle to release women and/or abolish women’s prisons which indirectly implies that the concept of prison for men is an acceptable one. Separating the sexes like this to prioritise one over the other will always harm the struggle for those who are left behind. But all prisoners are human and we all feel the pains of imprisonment regardless of whether we are seen to express them in the same, or culturally acceptable ways. Prison is a political state tool of oppression and all

of us who are victims of it are therefore political prisoners, stripped of our ability to live normal lives in freedom.

This dehumanisation and oppression is not caused exclusively by the state and misguided anti-prison campaigners, organisations, and prison reformists but even by those who seek to bring compassion to the prison experience through making contact with prisoners from outside the walls. Those offering this support can miss the fact that restrictions they impose upon the terms of their communication with the imprisoned can easily replicate both the measures that the state apply and the feelings such as of inadequacy, inferiority, and powerlessness which they instil within the recipient. Although it is entirely valid to have safety/security concerns when making the initial contact with anyone, including a detained person, especially if you are the first to do so, paranoia over the potential for the prison to become aware of you is not at all helpful or necessary, and to view this potential relationship as some form of good deed, charity, or case work in which you must monitor your ‘capacity’ is extremely harmful and possibly even abusive. Despite being cages, prisons are not zoos and those of us detained within them are not animals to look at, study, or attain an anecdote to tell your social group to boost your standings through your ‘unique experience’ of having communicated with a real-life prisoner.

Being unwilling to trust the person with your real name and/or address, provide photographs so they can see who they are communicating with, give your phone number so they can call you or undergo the visitor approval process which is required prior to an in- person meeting with those held in the most hostile conditions only adds to the trauma which is inherent in the loss of liberty we face. It is common to post personal information on your social media or dating apps and give out your phone number to people you just met, so what indication do you think it gives when you withhold this information from someone? Friends do not impose such limits upon their friendships, but it seems the power imbalance seen in the dynamics of the relationship when only one of them has their freedom can all too easily lead one to a significant oversight of the potential harm they could be recklessly inflicting through these restrictions, which in their mind could appear entirely essential and innocuous, but in reality is exacerbating the dehumanisation of the imprisoned human. Where I am does not define me, prisoners are human beings who deserve the same consideration as you hope others would give to you and feel when do not get it.

If silence is violence, then what is concealing your identity like a faceless bureaucrat within the state apparatus from someone suffering directly from state physical, sexual, and psychological violence? Oppression must be resisted everywhere, even when its source is within ourselves to the detriment of others. Empathy and love can transcend prison walls and cages, but can only penetrate your heart if you are alert to the possibility and allow it.

Kev Thakrar

As well as suffering from a miscarriage of justice having been convicted under the controversial and discredited legal doctrine of joint enterprise, Kev is one of the 50-men within English prisons to be detained within the Close Supervision Centre (CSC) system under Rule 46 of the Prison Rules 1999. When the Segregation Units disappear people, the CSC is where they end-up. This is the front-line in the battle against state violence where you must resist or capitulate, and Kev more than any other continues in the struggle as a champion of the people. Last year the United Nations Special Rapporteur on Torture raised the conditions of his detention with the government1and he is taking a judicial review of the policy of allowing indefinite segregation which enables his ongoing solitary confinement due at the Royal Courts of Justice in 2023.

Please help combat his isolation and help him endure the state inflicted torture by writing to him at:



SE28 0EB

additionally or alternatively, cards can be sent to him via WWW.FUNKYPIDGEON.COM or photos through WWW.FREEPRINTS.COM, and it is also possible to email Kev using WWW.EMAILAPRISONER.COM. To help cover the costs of Kev maintaining contact with us outside, and of supporting him, please donate to: thakrar

Read more from and about Kev on WWW.JUSTICEFORKEVAN.ORG

Send Ryan a birthday card at his new address!

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It’s Ryan Dwyer’s birthday on the 15th January! It would be AMAZING if you can send him a birthday card! 

He’s got a new address: Write to: Ryan Dwyer A4276AT, HMP Standford Hill, Church Road, Eastchurch, Sheerness ME12 4AA 

Or use or 

Ryan was sentenced to 4.5 years in prison after the Kill the Bill riot in Bristol. Ryan is a graffiti artist and would love to hear from other people in the same scene. He’d also love letters from anyone with similar anti-authoritarian politics!

Another death at HMP Eastwood Park

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Content warning – death, prison, suicide, transphobia, sexual assault references

Another life has been swallowed up by HMP Eastwood Park

Just after Christmas, Clare Dupree died after a fire started in her cell. Prisoners in several wings heard her screams for help, but the screws did nothing to extinguish the flames. Women shouted out for the officers to help Clare, but they would not open the door of Clare’s cell, and failed to put a firehose through the cell’s hatch. 

We didn’t know Clare, but we want to invite her friends and family to reach out to us. We hate the system that killed Clare, and we hate HMP Eastwood Park. Although we never met Clare, we feel deep anger and sadness at her death. 

Clare was at least the fourth person to die in Eastwood Park’s custody in 2022. Some of us knew Taylor, who cut his own throat and bled to death at Eastwood Park in July 2022. Taylor had faced violence and transphobia from officers. Guards beat him viciously just weeks before he killed himself. You can read more at

The same week that Taylor died, another prisoner named Kayleigh took her own life. She too had been the victim of a violent assault by officers just before her death. 

Attacks by screws are common in Eastwood Park, and so is sexual violence. Taylor and others have shared with us how women have been forced to give oral sex to officers in exchange for drugs being brought from outside. 

The governor Zoe Short, is apparently calling Clare’s death a suicide. But – like Taylor and Kayleigh – Clare was murdered by the state. Their names – and their murderers – should not be forgotten.

We are actively involved in supporting  friends and comrades in HMP Eastwood Park right now – and we are scared of what this rotten institution might do to them. We want to invite anyone whose loved ones are imprisoned in Eastwood Park to get in touch, so we can support each other. Solidarity is strength! 

Fuck HMP

Free them All 

Gopal has been moved!

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Gopal has been moved to HMP Portland! Please update your address books!

Gopal was sentenced to 18 months in prison for violent disorder following the the Kill The Bill demo in Bristol in March 2021. He loves hip hop and welcomes letters of support. Please send him a card or use tools such as or Show Gopal he is not alone!

Write to: HMP Portland, 104 the Grove, Easton, Portland, Dorset, DT5 1DL


Support Gopal

admin KTB Prisoners, Uncategorized

Gopal was sentenced to 18 months in prison for violent disorder following the the Kill The Bill demo in Bristol in March 2021. He loves hip hop and welcomes letters of support. Please send him a card or use tools such as or Show Gopal he is not alone!

Write to: Gopal Clark A2845EX, HMP Bristol, 19 Cambridge Road, Bristol, BS7 8PS


Write to the Kill The Bill & other prisoners this winter

admin KTB Prisoners, Uncategorized

Please write to someone in prison this winter season. All of these prisoners welcome support. Your cards can help keep them going while they are separated from people they love.

You can send cards and letters or use tools like Cards from services like are also more likely to get in to the prison then many homemade cards.

Please share these graphics far and wide! For more info on writing to prisoners see: