Letter for the International Week of Solidarity With Anarchist Prisoners 2022 by imprisoned anarchist Toby Shone

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From: https://solidarity.international/index.php/2022/08/04/letter-for-the-international-week-of-solidarity-with-anarchist-prisoners-2022-by-imprisoned-anarchist-toby-shone/ “Does this rising generation know that those who inaugurated the 8 hour day were put to death at the command of Capital?”Lucy Parsons, The Haymarket Martyrs, November 1926 “Although we are not reformists, …

RIP Taylor

R.I.P Taylor – Rage is our weapon 

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Content warning – suicide (graphic), prison, violence, self harm, abuse, homophobia, transphobia Translations of this statement We are very grateful to comrades across the world who are translating the statement. Castelán – https://distripolaris.noblogs.org/post/2022/07/21/nova-edicion-zine-en-memoria-de-taylor-preso-trans-morto-en-prision-en-reino-unido/ Galego German …

Support Matt – New Address

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Matt has been moved! His new address is: Matthew O’Neill A1596CTHMP Guys Marsh, Shaftesbury, Dorset, SP7 0AH Please keep writing to him and showing him your support!

Support Wayne!

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Bristol ABC and friends are trying to raise some money to support a specific person in urgent need for funds right now. Please donate to Wayne’s crowdfunder here: https://www.gofundme.com/f/secure-housing-for-wayne Wayne is a Black trans-masc prisoner …

J11 Letter from Kevan Thakrar

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I have been wrongly imprisoned since September 2007 when I aged just 20 years old, and subsequently subjected to a miscarriage of justice which resulted in the infliction of a life sentence with a minimum …