Prison strike organiser Kinetik Justice is in danger for his life

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On October 21, 2016 Robert Earl Council (aka Kinetik Justice Amun) went
on a Hunger Strike based on threats against his life from the Alabama
Department of Corrections (ADOC) administration and staff. He was
transferred to a supermax facility, and water was shut off in his cell
in an effort to force him out of his hunger strike. His transfers
happened after the media exposed the ADOC during a nationwide prison
strike to demand changes to prison conditions and unpaid labor.

As of November 8, 2016, Kinetik Justice is in danger for his life, and
organisers are calling for action.

Kinetik has been inside for over 22 years and is a co-founder of the
Free Alabama Movement which has organized successful work stoppages to
demand basic human rights and has provided education and legal support
to hundreds of incarcerated people.

CALL WITH DEMANDS TODAY: Call the Alabama Department of Corrections and
Alabama Governor Robert Bentley’s office demanding 1) that Kinetik
Justice be transferred from Limestone Correctional Facility; and 2) that
Pastor Kenneth Glasgow of The Ordinary People’s Society be allowed to
visit him and assess his condition immediately.

Alabama Department of Corrections
Montgomery, Alabama
(334) 353-3883 [1]

Governor Robert Bentley
600 Dexter Avenue
Montgomery, AL 36130
(334) 242-7100 [2]


Azerbaijan: torture and 12 years of prison for anarchist graffiti

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"Joyeux journée des esclaves"On May 10, 2016, two anarchists Bayram Mammadov and Giyas Ibrahimov were arrested by police in Baku for tagging a monument dedicated to the glory of former president, and father of the current one, Heydar Aliyev. The graffiti said “Fuck the system” and “Happy slave day”. These were painted on the evening before Aliyev’s birthday, which is a holiday in support of the state in Azerbaijan. Just tagging the statue would have earned a year in prison, but that was not enough for the police who also charged them with carrying a kilo of heroin each. Bayram was arrested around 2.30 pm as he was photographing the graffiti, and was taken to the police station where he was beaten and threatened to be raped with a stick until he signed a confession, including for drugs. He was then offered a deal: apologise by laying flowers in front of the Aliyev monument and in front of the television. The next day, he was brought in front of a judge and asked to give names of other people who were involved. The humiliations and beatings continued for several days, sometimes filmed by the police.

On the 25th of October Giyas Ibrahimov was sentenced to 10 years in prison. Bayrams trial is still outstanding, but it is to be expected that his sentence will be between eight and twelve years imprisonment. Both anarchists suffer heavy repression and torture in the prison.

qiyas-ibrahimov-tribunalWe call for solidarity with the both concerned comrades!
Freedom for Bayram and Giyas!
Freedom for all prisoners!

Get more information, and listen to Giyas’s sentencing statement, here.

Turkey moves towards re-establishment of the death penalty

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Turkish President Erdogan said on the 29th of October that the restoration of the death penalty would be submitted to Parliament, adding that the criticisms made about it by Western countries “do not count”. During a speech in Ankara, in response to the crowd chanting “we want the death penalty” for the authors of the failed coup in July, Erdogan said: “Our government will submit it to Parliament and I am convinced that Parliament will approve it, then I will ratify it. ”

The death penalty in peacetime was abolished in 2001 (while hanging Abdullah Ocalan, who had just been brought to Turkey, was discussed) and the death penalty in wartime was abolished in 2004 in a relative consensus. More than 35,000 people were arrested in Turkey and a total of 82,000 have been investigated since the attempted coup on the 15th of July. Out of those who were investigated, 26,000 had all charges dropped.


More anarchists arrested in Italy

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At dawn on September 6, a police operation in Turin led to the raids of around thirty houses and arrests of five anarchists, who were then charged with conspiracy to commit terrorism, in regards to the FAI. The arrestees are Anna, Marco, Sandrone, Danilo and Valentina, as well as the ongoing investigations of Nicola and Alfredo, who are already imprisoned.

The eight anarchists targeted in the police operation “Scripta Manentare in four different prisons, and in high security “AS2” wings. They are all in isolation, but can receive post. Alfredo Cospito and Anna Beniamino are in hunger strike since 3 and 10 October respectively, against the isolation regime.

Here are everyone’s addresses, write to them to show that we care, and we won’t forget them!

BISESTI Marco : Strada Alessandria, 50/A – 15121 San Michele, Alessandria (AL)
MERCOGLIANO Alessandro : Strada Alessandria, 50/A – 15121 San Michele, Alessandria (AL)
BENIAMINO Anna : Via Aspromonte, 100 – 04100 – Latina LT
CREMONESE Danilo Emiliano : Str. delle Campore, 32 – 05100 Terni TR
SPEZIALE Valentina : Via Aspromonte, 100 – 04100 – Latina LT
COSPITO Alfredo et Nicola sont détenu à Ferrara AS2
CORTELLI Daniele : Str. delle Campore, 32 – 05100 Terni TR

L'opération policière "Scripta Manent"

18th November, protest against Close Supervision Centres at the HM Inspectorate of Prisons, London

admin events, prison industrial complex

The Close Supervision Centre (CSC) system is the English version of American supermax prison conditions, indefinite solitary confinement within the most oppressive and brutal environment found in this country, which can appropriately be called torture camps. Psychological warfare is used upon its victims on a constant basis, with frequent physical attacks supplementing the arbitrary punishment. As only around 50 prisoners fall victim to the CSC at any one time its existence is largely unknown even amongst the general prison population, so it is not surprising that the wider public are so poorly informed that almost no-one protests that taxes are being spent to torment vulnerable captives who are also British citizens. Her Majesty’s Inspectorate of prisons (HMIP) is tasked with the role of reporting on all places of detention within the country, with a decreasing level of funding for the prison system whilst prisoner numbers continue to rise it is inevitable that more and more failings and inadequacies will be identified by them. Considering the CSC is the violation of international and European law, as well as being morally reprehensible for both its design and implementation, you would expect HMIP to dedicate its times exposing the secretive system with the goal of achieving its abolition but at least securing desperately needed reforms. When the entire prison system can be seen to be declining in the level of treatment it provides, it is obvious that those already at the harsh end will suffer the most. HMIP chooses to pretend that the CSC does not exist rather than tackle the deplorable, less attention is paid to the worst part of the prison system than any other which is simply inexcusable. Since I was first allocated to the CSC in March 2010, HMIP have only once ‘inspected’ the CSC. Although they were provided with extensive detail of the abuses which were taking place, they chose to omit all of the most serious and gloss over those that actually made it into the report. HMIP effectively endorsed the torture regime which had the obvious consequence of life on the CSC becoming more anguished, and have not even bothered to perform their mandatory follow-up ‘inspection’ to see the effects of their actions. The suicide of Joanne Latham (AKA Eddie Brown, AKA Edward Latham) on the CSC has been one of the direct results of the continuing deterioration, but also of the structure of the CSC itself which causes severe mental illness and exacerbates preexisting medical issues amongst its residents so much so that around 50% end up damaged to the extent it becomes necessary for them to be removed from prison to one of the high secure mental health hospitals (Broadmoor, Brampton, Ashworth). I sent a detailed complaint to HMIP after reading their cover-up report ( but received nothing more than a fob off in reply evidencing that their substandard work was intentional. Although this was done as a parting gesture from the departing Chief Inspector presumably to secure another governmental employment, the incumbent Chief Inspector along with the rest of his office have done absolutely nothing about it.

It is about time that HMIP learned they can no longer ignore the CSC system or be allowed to prop-up its existence with corrupt reports, the CSC has been in operation since 1998 and must be condemned as the abomination it is. To achieve this end, I am calling on every person with some level of compassion and humanity for their fellow man and all those disgusted at what their taxes are funding to attend a demonstration protest outside the offices of HMIP. This has been organised to take place on:

Friday 18th November 2016 from 12.30pm – 2.30pm at HM Inspectorate of Prisons, 6th Floor, Victory House, Kingsway, London, WC2B 6EX,

and all those unable to attend are encouraged to write demanding they address the CSC system immediately either directly or through their MP for greater impact. Support can also be shown as well as more being found out about the horror of the CSC by visiting the website WWW.JUSTICEFORKEVAN.COM, joining the group at, signing the petition on www.change-org/p/justice-for-kevan, or by writing to:

Kevan Thakrar A4907AE,
HMP Wakefield,
5 Love Lane,
West Yorkshire,
WF2 9AG.

Week of Actions in Solidarity with the Prison Strike and Beyond

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So the week of action in solidarity with US struggles against prison slavery has just ended, and on a morning walk around Troopers Hill Park one of our collective spotted this banner, which had been hung on the old mine tower!

dscn0529In case you can’t see the picture very well, it says “solidarity with incarcerated workers and all prisoners in struggle” This tower overlooks much of southeast Bristol, bringing the ongoing strike and prison struggles to the attention of 1000s of residents (as well as the many dog walkers that pass through the park every day).



Originally published to It’s Going Down

On September 9th, people all over the world answered the call for a strike against prison slavery. Prisoners all over the U.S. began hunger and work strikes, while on the outside supporters took action to express their solidarity. However, despite outside support quieting down significantly after the first weekend, prisoners continue to struggle fiercely against their conditions.

Three weeks into the strike, a call was published for renewed actions in solidarity with the prison strike. While it emphasized the arbitrary nature of any particular day or week of action, for simplicity’s sake the authors suggested October 15th-22nd as the week to concentrate actions.

This page will collect actions in solidarity with the prison strike that took place around this time frame, regardless of whether they were inspired by this particular call or not. You can view a list of events planned for the week here, and remember you can submit communiques anonymously to It’s Going Down here.

October 8th

Lucasville, OH: Graffiti painted. Communique with photo here.

October 13th

Lansing, MI: Rally in solidarity with queer & trans prisoners. Report with photos here.


Lansing, MI

October 15th

Berlin, Germany: Banner dropped, flyers scattered. Communique with photos here.

Melbourne, Australia: Posters wheatpasted on corporations that profit from prison labor. Report with photos here.

Merced, CA: Noise demonstration outside the county jail, site of an ongoing hunger strike. Report back with video here.


Merced, CA

Minneapolis, MN: Posters wheatpasted. Communique with photos here.

October 16th

Mexico City, Mexico: Incendiary attack. Communique in spanish here.

October 17th

Jena, Germany: Banner dropped during spontaneous housing occupation. Report on the occupation in german here.


Jena, Germany

October 18th

Philadelphia, PA: Graffiti spotted in solidarity with the strike. Photo here.

October 19th

Heraklion, Greece: Radio station occupied. Communique in greek here.

Philadelphia, PA: UPS lockers vandalized with paint. Communique here.

Rome, Italy: Graffiti painted. Communique with more photos here.

October 21st

Bern, Switzerland: Courthouse paint bombed. Communique with a photo here.


Bern, Switzerland

Jena, Germany: Rally outside McDonalds. Report back here.

October 22nd

Minneapolis, MN: Noise demonstration outside youth jail. Report back here.

Madras, OR: Noise demonstration outside Deer Ridge prison. Report back with photos here.

October 23rd

Austria: Poster published. Download it here.

October 24th

Denver, CO: Posters wheatpasted, McDonald’s ads and Trump lawn signs vandalized. Communique here.

Denver, CO: Starbucks vandalized. Communique here.


Denver, CO

30th October: presentation from Antifenix in Bristol!

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At Kebele Community Centre,
14 Robertson Road,


In May 2015, the state began Operation Fenix, a campaign of repression against anarchists and liberatory activists. Dozens of people were arrested and interrogated, websites were taken down, computers seized, houses raided.

Now, 18 months later, the Czech state’s campaign of terror has not ended, but neither has the campaign of solidarity and unity of the radical movement in the face of this repression.

Come to Kebele on the 30th of October, after Sunday dnner, and learn about how people have stayed strong and supported each other, and what we can do to support them in our turn. There will be a member of the antirepression group Antifenix speaking, so don’t miss out on this chance to come along and hear about it firsthand!

Statement of captured anarchist Lukáš Borl

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Statement to my arrest
On Sunday, September 4th, 2016, I was arrested by the police in Most and then taken to the remand prison in Litomerice. Unfortunately it happened what I did not want to, but knew all along that this may occur at any time. Fortunately, I have mentally prepared myself for such situation so it allows me to deal calmly with this kind of unpleasant reality, which I’m and apparently people close to me are exposed to now.
I was captured by those who defend the rule of capital over our lives. Nevertheless, that doesn’t change anything on my will to continue along the path that I have chosen. I will continue to destroy and create. To fight and love. I remain an anarchist with everything that belongs to it. I decided for now to write a few paragraphs about my imprisonment. Surely I will soon express my opinion about other issues that I consider important.
Before the arrest
It’s no secret that at a certain moment I decided to “disappear”, in worry that the police was planning my arrest. I have expressed my reasons in the text “Disappearance of supervision of state power”, which  is published various sites of the anarchist movement. The choice I made, allowed me to live hidden and quite happily for months. I freely moved and ate a good food. Whole world became home for me, and I was able to find havens for cultural and social existence in it. Because of emotional and material support I had enough energy to keep fighting for emancipation. I knew about the risks associated with it, but I have never thought about to finish with that and I do not think of it even now. To break free from dictatorship of the state and capitalism is an enough attractive aim, that it is impossible to turn away my attention from it. Even the fact that the power is threatening me with finger, baton or prison… Being an anarchist means to me to understand such threats as an inevitable consequence of my expressed desire for freedom. It is connected with daily rebel life. Fact that I can not avoided, but I can defy it. What I do and I will keep doing.
The circumstances of my arrest
Police arrested me in Most, a small city where I was born and lived for a long time. I have part of my family and many friends there. In Most with some people we run a community center “Ateneo” and organized a long series of events associated with the anarchist movement. In short, in this city I’m quite known person, both to the population and the police and bureaucrats.
For some people it will be a manifestation of “stupidity” that I had decided to come into the city, where in the same time I was the subject of a European arrest warrant. Even if my closest people would think so, I will not blame them. Because they look at the matter from a different position than I do. So I do understand that some people don’t find a comprehension for the thoughts and actions of a person who is in the underground for longer time. The life of person on the run is connected with the separation from the people who he/she loves and whom previously had been in close and frequent contact with. It’s one of the hardest thing, that a person in such a situation has to deal with. Fundraising, food, shelter or providing security in contrast, are relatively easy tasks. There are two ways how to deal with such separation. Either accept it passively, which also means expose yourself to the suffering and unending frustration. Or try to overcome the separation with occasional contacts, which of course greatly increases the risk of getting caught by the police. I “instinctively” chose the second option. I knew what I was risking and what I could lose. But, I also knew, that in isolation I can lose something, what is very important to me – contacts with people I care about and who care about me. That’s why I decided to come to Most, knowing the risks.
Everything could go smoothly and soon I would  move to a safer place, it was not a difficult task, and I had carefully prepared for it. But as everyone surely knows, into our lives, sometimes enter unexpected events, which can not be predicted, nor reversed. In such cases does not help the preparation nor the will or abilities. We are dragged by events without being able to prevent them or change them. That’s exactly what happened in my case. As a result, I not only failed to make contact, but also I was arrested. I will not explain now, why and how it happened. Perhaps I will do so later.
Police resolution
Shortly after the arrest, was presented to me a resolution to initiate criminal prosecution. During the whole process, I decided to exercise the right to remain silent. The case is investigated by the police department for Combating Organized Crime (ÚOOZ). They accuse me for the foundation, supporting and promoting a movement aimed at suppressing human rights and freedoms. According ÚOOZ I founded a Network of revolutionary cells (SRB), participated in some SRB’s events and I wrote some SRB’s communiqués and published  them on the “Asociace Alerta” website. Further they claim that I have committed violation of possession, damaging property of another, 4 times. Twice during an arson attack on a police car. Once during an arson attack on a shop door. And once by spraying on the wall of Prague prison Ruzyne. Finally I am also accused by ÚOOZ for blackmailing the owner of steak restaurant “Řízkárna”.
I carefully studied all accusations to find out on what bases ÚOOZ beliefs that I committed those acts. Honestly, it really calmed me down, because those “proofs” are a mixture of speculation and evaluation of the “trails”, which in fact doesn’t prove my involvement in those acts.
As is known, I have no sympathies for judicial system. I consider it as part of the repressive instruments of capitalism, of which I am an opponent. Nevertheless, I decided to try to defend myself in court regarding the weak “evidences” that the ÚOOZ presents against me. I realize that this election means fight on the enemy’s territory with limited resources. That’s the reason why I don’t have exaggerated expectations or illusions that the court would be an independent institution that could serve to emancipation struggle.
I will defend myself in court, but I still stand behind that the anarchist struggle must be based primarily on the subversive logic of direct action rather than relying on institutional instruments of  the state and indirect (representatives mediated) forms of action. From what I have been saying and doing since years, it’s clear what kind of struggle I prefer. I will  keep acting according to that and I want the same from the people who is in solidarity with me.
Still armed and dangerous
During my hiding period, the police and the media denominated me as dangerous and armed. I confirmed it in a text -Lukáš Borl v hledáčku policie. (Lukas Borl in viewfinder of the police.) After the arrest, the police take away from me my defensive pepper spray, knuckleduster, a gas pistol with two magazines and 23 rounds (ed. These weapons are in the Czech Republic legally available without a gun license). Now they keep me in jail. I stand by the fact that I’m still armed and dangerous. Dangerous (to capitalism), because, even behind the bars I refuse to adapt to the conditions of exploitation and encourages the others to rebel against them. I’m still armed because of my willingness to be solidary. Up to this moment they weren’t able to take it away from me and recorded it as a matter of importance for criminal proceedings. Solidarity and rebelliousness are weapons that I still have on me and I’m ready to use it. I have done that already, I do that now and I will keep doing it.
Ground of fighting
As an anarchist, I was always aware of the possibility to be arrest. Every regime after all, suppress its opposition in such a manner. Now I am in pre-trial detention jail, but do not consider it as the end of the anarchist path. Jail is just one of many phases of that revolutionary may (but need not) go through. It’s not the end. Only a change of circumstances and ground where I will now struggle against the perpetrators of oppression. I am pleased that It can keep fighting together with other anarchists. With those, who understand that collective struggle is the only way out of capitalist mud.
Solidarity actions
Anyone who feels the need to support me can choose own way and timing according to own considerations. I will not tell anyone what to do and how. But I explicitly don’t want to see anyone, without my consent, to disclaim direct actions done in my support. If I don’t agree with any action, I will express that by myself, if I consider it important.
An advice for those who doubt about what action would be welcome: get information about my past, to understand what ideological positions I stand for. If this is understandable for you. Then it will make you lose any doubts about what action I would welcome and which not. No time to lose.
No social peace with those who oppress and exploit us. The struggle continues!
Anarchist greetings from prison!
Your brother, friend, comrade Lukáš Borl – 11.9.2016, Litoměřice
Lukáš Borl 1.3.1982
Vazební věznice Litoměřice
Veitova 1
412 81 Litoměřice

Warsaw 3 solidarity dinner, 27th of October at Kebele

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Three anarchists were arrested in Warsaw recently, accused of an arson attempt on a police vehicle, put in isolation and tortured. Now they are free but they still face trial, amid a media frenzy against them, and anarchists in general. Come and support them by helping to raise money for their legal costs and learn about the wave of repression in Poland. Never alone, never forgotten!

Mexican prisons: Fernando Bárcenas, Abraham Cortés, Luis Fernando Sotelo and Miguel Peralta initiated days of anti-prison struggle

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(Reposted from contrainfo)

Since September 28th 2016, the imprisoned compañeros Fernando Bárcenas, Abraham Cortés (in Mexico City’s Reclusorio Norte) and Luis Fernando Sotelo (in Mexico City’s Reclusorio Sur) have undertaken hunger strike, while Miguel Peralta (in Oaxaca’s Cuicatlán prison) abstains from prison meals.

Their joint struggle, marking three years since the imprisonment of Abraham Cortés (on October 2nd 2013), is also in solidarity with Luis Fernando Sotelo, who was recently sentenced to 33 years and 5 months. It’s also their way of supporting the US prisoner struggle and showing solidarity with African-American compas who experience the drug genocide.

Read a statement by comrades Fernando Bárcenas and Abraham Cortés in Spanish & English.