Expressions of support for Bristol anarchist Huw ‘Badger’ Norfolk have been growing since he published an open letter online last month. The letter first appeared on an international solidarity website and has since been linked …
Resistrance prezentza Riotous Assembly
RESISTRANCE returns on 3 December bringing ya an all-nighter to remember! Band lineup so far includes: A0S3; Autonomads; Cop on Fire; Spanner; No Choice; Primeval Soup. Plus at least 2 rooms of DJ’s and crews, …
They are inside for us and we are outside for them
Discussion meeting: An Introduction To Prisoner Support Work On Sunday 6 November, 4.30pm sharp to 6pm, in the Events Room, at Kebele social Centre, 14 Robertson Road, Bristol BS5 6JY. There will be two short …
Barry Horne 10 year anniversary memorial event
Barry Horne was an animal liberationist who quite literally died for his beliefs whilst serving an 18 year prison sentence. Whilst in prison he engaged in 3 hungerstrikes in less than 3 years, the first …
Hunger Strike in Cárcel de Alta Seguridad (Chile)
October 26th 2011 – Prisoners on the second and third floors of the H wing of the Cárcel de Alta Seguridad took action and started an indefinite liquid hunger strike. This mobilisation has come about …
UK prisoner updates
First up, some good news! Frank Fernie, a 20 year old student from York, serving 12 months for violent disorder during the March 26 anti-cuts demo, has been released early on a 7pm to 7am …
Prisoner List October 2011
The latest list of ‘political prisoners’, compiled by Bristol ABC from a large number of sources, is now available. As ever the updating of this list is a labour of love in these times of …
Some guides to help if you face going to prison
Being sent to prison is shit, even worse you are now a captive of one of your worst enemies, the state, so avoid it if you possibly can. But every day more people are being …
A passion for freedom
Readers with an interest in the struggle against the prison society will be interested in several newly released publications with an international flavour. With an increasing number of people facing court cases and prison sentences …
Resistance Rhymes – A Fundraiser For Bristol Defendants
The always up for it Kebele Sound Collective, in association with various itinerants & dissidents, crank up the pressure this Friday with a night of truly international (and local) rabble rousing n ranting hip hop. …