Many abuses of police powers occur because we let them. Legal observation and police monitoring are effective tools in tackling such abuses and can make a real difference from collating the data necessary for effective …
Memorial event for Ian Tomlinson victim of G20 cop violence
(Update: Pictures and report of the memorial event are here.) The Ian Tomlinson Family Campaign have called for a memorial gathering on the 1st anniversary of his death, at 11am on Thursday 1 April. People …
14th Annual International Day Against Police Brutality in Montreal
100 Arrested, Undercover Cops Forced Out of Protester’s Ranks by Gord Hill As a Montreal police helicopter hovered overhead, speakers at the 14th Annual Protest Against Police Brutality denounced the 43 police-related killings in the …
Update on the EDO Decommissioners
Some fairly urgent updates on the Bristol EDO Decommissioners Firstly, as Elijah ‘James’ Smith approaches 14 months locked up on remand, without a trial of course, he’s been given a new prison number – A3186AM. …
Amadeu Casellas is free!
Amadeu Casellas has been released on 9th March around noon, after 24 years of imprisonment. Once examined all the charges, the prison director concluded that Amadeu has spent 8 more years in prison than he …
Active Solidarity freesheet, Jock Palfreeman, and letter writing night
Our friends at the long running Brighton ABC group have just released the latest issue of their Active Solidarity freesheet. You can download it as a pdf here Active Solidarity_Mar10 and do pass it on. …
Legal progress for the EDO Decommissioners but one remains on remand
UPDATE: Read a report about the Decommissioners court hearing last Monday, by someone who was there. Elijah ‘James’ Smith has been moved back to Lewes prison. Please write and send him your support and solidarity: …
Support the London 2009 Gaza protesters facing heavy prison sentences
Early 2009 saw many protests in Bristol against the Israeli bombing of Gaza. In London there were a number of large angry marches opposing the bombing of families in Gaza. Some of those protesters are …
Olympic resistance continues despite arrests
(Update: some direct action solidarity took place in Bristol late on 23 Feburary. A communique posted on the Bristol Indymedia newswire claimed an attack on the Royal Bank of Scotland in central Bristol). Opposition to …
Ongoing discrimination against indigenous peoples in Canada
Yesterday 17 February saw a small low key protest in Bristol, organised in solidarity with the anti-olympic protests in and around Vancouver in the Canadian state of British Columbia. The protest was called after Bristol …