Jock Palfreeman’s sentence upheld after appeal – Support needed

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Jock Palfreeman’s appeal against his 20 year sentence in Bulgaria has reportedly failed, as the Bulgarian state continues to ignore the facts (background – see previous articles).

This report come from, a family based support website, dated 22 February:
“The appelate court has upheld the first court’s decision and maintained the 20 year sentence. This despite all the evidence supporting Jock’s story. The family finds this appalling and will file for a further appeal with the court of Cassation. When we have the written judgment from the appelate court we will be able to make a more detailed response to this decision.”

A similar report is posted on Anarchist Solidarity dated 23 February, and includes a defiant statement from Jock:
Jock finally received court verdict on his appeal. In blatant disregard for all the facts presented to them during the process, Bulgarian authorities upheld Jock’s ridiculous sentence, complete ingoring all evidence in his defence. There are no words to describe our contempt and disgust we feel towards all those people responsible for his imprisonment. Jock can appeal the decision within 14 days and the last appeal will take place within next few months. We have to put more pressure on Bulgarian authorities if we don’t want them to get away with what they are doing at the moment.

Here is Jock’s comment on the sentencing:Read More

Support for imprisoned student as Met cops pay out to G20 protesters

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Support has been growing recently for young imprisoned student Edward Woollard, with both a Facebook campaign and a new support website.

cops defend their Millbank masters, and fail

Woollard was sentenced to 32 months in prison after dropping a fire extinguisher off the top of the Tories Millbank Towers back in November 2010, after it was stormed by students furious about education and EMA cuts. Villified by the media, its worth noting Woollard didn’t actually hurt/hit anyone, soon expressed his apologies, and had no previous convictions. His sentence was undoubtedly political – the politicians needed a ‘criminal’ to make an example of, and put other students off protesting. That hasn’t worked though has it. Read More

Prisoners welcoming support list for February 2011

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Here is our monthly list of UK & international prisoners welcoming support.
Open office versionPrisoners list_Feb2011
Pdf version Prisoners list_Feb2011
As ever, if you have corrections, updates or additions then email them in to us please.

9 February – prisoner support letter-writing night.
From 7 to 9pm at The Factory, 2-8 Cave St, BS2 8RU
We have lists of prisoners in the UK and internationally who welcome support, along with info on specific cases and campaigns. We will have paper, pens, envelopes and info, all you need to bring is some writing power, and perhaps a donation towards postage. Come along to find out more of what we do, and the benefits of prisoner support. Drop in for a bit or for the whole 2 hours. Hot drinks etc available.Read More

Legal aid cuts will mean less justice and more prisoners

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The ConDem Coalition’s attack on legal aid is just one of their many class-based attacks at present. As with nearly all of their so-called austerity measures, in practice it is once again lower or un-paid people who are being asked to foot the bill to prop up the financial system and keep the rich ever richer.

Whilst the proposed cuts of around £350 million focus on ‘civil’ legal aid, they will directly affect poorer people most and expose them to greater injustice, poverty, and quite possibly prison. We can also expect a further squeeze on criminal legal aid. All cuts to legal aid effectively reduce access to ‘legal justice’ from those least able to afford it, and in most need of it. The majority of prisoners come from poor and/or vulnerable backgrounds for example, and rely on legal aid not just for their original cases but also to defend their rights whilst in prison, and around such issues as parole hearings and any alleged offences committed whilst locked up.Read More

Meeting in London for all arrested at London student protests

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Were you arrested at any of the student demonstrations in London last November, December, or even last Saturday?

If you were, then this meeting in London on 6 February is for you. It has been organised by two London-based groups involved in providing unconditional legal support and info for our movements – the Legal Defence & Monitoring Group (LDMG) and the Green & Black Cross (GBC). Here is their callout:
New venue update:
Malet Suite at University of London Union (ULU), 6 Malet Street, London, WC1E 7HY from 12 to 3pm.Read More

Thessaloniki 4 in Greek court appeal win shocker!

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In an extremely surprising decision, the Thessaloniki 4 have effectively won their appeal against sentences ranging from 5 to 8.5 years, and have been released.(except for Michaelis Triakapis who remains inside for a different matter).

Chapman's ordeal began when cops planted a black rucksack full of petrol bombs on him

This has been confirmed by a text from a close personal friend of UK defendant Simon Chapman, and by this post From the Greek Streets:
“All of the Thessaloniki 4 are free. The four comrades, including UK anarchist Simon Chapman, have been found not guilty for all (except one minor charge) in Greek court of the charges going back to the EU Summit protests and riots in Thessaloniki in 2003.

All four of the defendants are free. All the initial charges were dropped apart from “distinguished defiance of authority” which was then reduced to “minor defiance of authority”. This is a misdemeanour, carrying a 6-month suspended sentence, but none of them will be imprisoned unless of course someone is charged again during these six months. This was the best the juries could ever do, since they had to be charged of something, in order to “justify” the six months they had spent in prison back in 2003.”Read More

Thessaloniki 4 appeal decision imminent

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Court decision likely on 31 January / Bristol fundraiser on Saturday 5 February

The appeal by the Thessaloniki 4 against their sentences is likely to conclude on Monday 31 January, in Greece. The 4 face sentences of at least 5 to 8 years in a Greek prison if the appeal fails. Their alleged crimes occurred during protests in Thessaloniki in June 2003 against an EU summit. Background info here and here.Read More

Prisoner support newsletter and updates

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January 2011 finds us enthused by recent events around the world that point to the coming year as being a potentially significant one in the struggle against capital and oppression. Events in Belarus, Algeria and a little more successfully in Tunisia, show that many ordinary people can only be pushed so far before fighting back. Despite 2 decades of dictatorship and tightly controlled police states, and despite the consequences of resisting, people in these 3 countries have shown amazing bravery and determination.

We remain enthused by the actions of students and youth in late 2010 across the UK, into Italy, and spreading across Europe, giving a small indication that the ongoing 2 year rebellion in Greece is slowly spreading an anti-capitalist virus that the state has no final antidote to. Encouraging in these struggles have been displays of solidarity with people arrested, and a very fast learning curve amongst protesters of the need for legal info & support.Read More

They helped bring down a government – solidarity with the Reykjavik Nine

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From Anarchist News
An international week of actions has been called for 10th – 16th of January, 2011 in support of the Reykjavik Nine, nine individuals including anarchists and radical leftists, who face up to 16 years in prison for protest against the Icelandic parliament.

In December 2008 the bullet that killed Alexandros Grigoropoulos set fire to the streets of Athens, a fire that soon spread to every city across Greece. That same December on the opposite shore of Europe, in Iceland another revolt was already under way born out of the wreckage of the economy that had collapsed that fall.Read More