Bristol prison – support the solidarity picket for EDO Decommissioners on remand

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Meet this Saturday, 21 March at 3pm, on the corner of Cambridge Rd & Gloucester Rd (A38), Bishopston, Bristol BS7. There’ll be an info exchange with local people passing by for an hour, to explain about the EDO decommissioning action last January, followed by a protest outside Bristol prison at 4pm (when visiting hours end) in solidarity with the 2 Bristol EDO Decommissioners on remand.Read More

UK’s oldest political prisoner nears death

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Ronnie Easterbrook update

We’ve received the following from our friends at Brighton ABC, who have campaigned for Ronnie for many years:

We’ve recently asked people to write letters on behalf of Ronnie Easterbrook who is 78 years old and on hunger strike. For more details about his case read here and here.

Ronnie’s situation has not improved, in his last letter to us he said, “Just finished another visit with my two daughters and John. That is the last one I shall have. I look at them and one can feel the energy and life force vibrating through them, whereas I could barely sit up in the chair I’m so drained”.Read More

‘We live in fear and under a police state’

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…and police states have lots of political prisoners

Who said that? Not us, but Stella Rimington, the former Director-General of MI5 from 1992-6. In fact she didn’t say exactly that, but that’s how the mainstream press are reporting it. Lets face it, she should know, as part of her job was to ensure such a situation is developed. Here’s her quote in full from an interview she gave last week:
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