Freedom for political prisoners fundraising calendar 2012

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The USA remains not just one of the most unequal countries in terms of wealth distribution, but also one of the most oppressive.

Artwork - May 2012

Recent figures (end of 2010) indicate that it locks up some 2.4million people in its various prisons, an adult incarceration rate of about 0.8%, or just under 1 adult in every 100. In addition, over seven million more are under ‘correctional supervision’, and over 13 million pass through U.S. prisons and jails annually. America’s prison population has risen by some 1000% in 30 years. Unsurprisingly, two thirds are either unemployed or were surviving on an income of less than $5000 a year. At least 40% of women prisoners have young children. The USA imprisons more people than any other country in the world, and accounts for over 25% of the worlds prison population. Welcome to the land of the free. Not. With the US clamping down on its growing ‘Occupy’ movement with brutal robocops and chemical weapons (see Oakland – general strike 2 Nov & police repression;  Denver; Wall St), we can be sure the number of prisoners will increase.

Artwork - December 2012

Bristol ABC is pleased once again this year to be distributing the Certain Days ‘Freedom for political prisoners calendar 2012’. This is a long term fundraising, info & campaign project by Canadian activists & 3 long-term US political prisoners, who have collectively spent over 100 years inside prison. The 3 are all being held in maximum-security prisons in New York State, they are Robert Seth Hayes, Herman Bell & David Gilbert.Read More

Letter From Uk Comrade Huw ‘badger’ Norfolk From Clandestinity

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Expressions of support for Bristol anarchist Huw ‘Badger’ Norfolk have been growing since he published an open letter online last month. The letter first appeared on an international solidarity website and has since been linked to numerous other sites, before being front paged on the Bristol Indymedia site on 22 October (and also therefore showing on the UK Indymedia newswire).

Here’s the text from his communiqué:
1st communication October 2011. An open letter to whoever wants to be concerned.

Two months have passed since the police execution of Mark Duggan tipped the already-fragile balance of power in the UK, unlocking an orgy of defiance across this island. A well of frustrations finally boiled over and the system was left reeling by a determined insurrection from a wide range of people. Following these days and nights of brazen attacks in Bristol (as in other places) a house is raided in a police and media orchestrated scene as part of their revenge operation for the blows they have both received in the uprising – they leave without the hostage they sought there, but I am made aware by their blunder that I am on their wanted list.

Two months have now passed of successful evasion, and meanwhile the winds of insurgency still blow in many towns and moments – indeed, for many they started long before this summer. There have also been at least two more deaths at the hands of the Law in August alone…Read More

Resistrance prezentza Riotous Assembly

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RESISTRANCE returns on 3 December bringing ya an all-nighter to remember!

Band lineup so far includes: A0S3; Autonomads; Cop on Fire; Spanner; No Choice; Primeval Soup.
Plus at least 2 rooms of DJ’s and crews, and much much more TBC.

All monies raised go directly to support Bristol Defendant Solidarity.
Hosted by Resistrance, Kebele Sound, Next2Nothing & Friends: “Big shout out to the Bristol Old School. This is a Resistrance rallying cry to all radical ravers, partying punkers n serious skankers out there – lets have a political party!!! Recent events in Stokes Croft have persuaded us here at Resistrance HQ to drag our sorry arses out of retirement for a one-off riotous rave-up in aid of the Stresscos Rebels. We ain’t had it – we’re avin’ it!!”

So keep the night free – full details to follow shortly…

They are inside for us and we are outside for them

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Discussion meeting: An Introduction To Prisoner Support Work

On Sunday 6 November, 4.30pm sharp to 6pm, in the Events Room, at Kebele social Centre, 14 Robertson Road, Bristol BS5 6JY.
There will be two short introductions:
Firstly about the importance of prisoner support work.
Secondly we will look at what exactly ABC groups in the UK do these days, and what else they could be doing.

This will be an informal meeting, with plenty of time for questions and discussion, and we hope you will help us generate more ideas about what we can do, and how we can do it together.Read More

Barry Horne 10 year anniversary memorial event

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Barry Horne was an animal liberationist who quite literally died for his beliefs whilst serving an 18 year prison sentence. Whilst in prison he engaged in 3 hungerstrikes in less than 3 years, the first two whilst he was still on remand.

Barry Horne was arrested in Bristol in July 1996, spent a lot of time on remand at Bristol prison (in Horfield), and was tried at Bristol crown court. His hungerstrikes were a political action aimed at forcing first the Tory government, and then NewLabour, into taking action to end vivisection and then general abuse of animals for profit. During his hungerstrikes and throughout his prison sentence until his death there was a masive upsurge in animal rights related actions, and some of the most well known such campaigns began, including at Hill Grove (cat) Farm and Huntingdon Life Sciences.Read More

Hunger Strike in Cárcel de Alta Seguridad (Chile)

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October 26th 2011 - Prisoners on the
second and third floors of the H
wing of the Cárcel de Alta
Seguridad took action and started an
indefinite liquid hunger strike. 

This mobilisation has come about
because of the failure of the screws
to comply with past agreements and
the constant harassment of prisoners, as
well as their friends and families.
This is a spontaneous action by 24
prisoners, that is born from the
urgency of their situation.

This list of demands alone explains the daily conditions under which people must survive in the dungeon like prison:Read More

UK prisoner updates

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First up, some good news!
Frank Fernie, a 20 year old student from York, serving 12 months for violent disorder during the March 26 anti-cuts demo, has been released early on a 7pm to 7am home curfew.

Secondly, we have another prisoner to add to our list, that we have been in touch with for some time:
Michael Newton (A6611CE) – HMP Preston, Wing C4–17, 2 Ribbleton Lane, Preston, Lancs, PR1 5AB
Serving 12 months for a J30 action and multiple other minor charges. This anarchist from Cumbria is due out on early release on 30 December (we hope).
Shortly before being arrested, Michael had compiled a fundraising dvd for prisoner support groups. If you asked about a copy you’ll know now why you never heard back. Michael welcomes letters, posters and pictures.

We have updated our prisoner lists with this info.

Prisoner List October 2011

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The latest list of ‘political prisoners’, compiled by Bristol ABC from a large number of sources, is now available.

As ever the updating of this list is a labour of love in these times of ever growing numbers of comrades sent down, as resistance mounts around the world against the horrors unleashed by the forces of capital and states everywhere. Whilst we endeavour to make sure the information is correct, we could fill a hundred pages and still not include all those who need solidarity & support – and thats without even having the confirmed info from many parts of the world. As it is, in many instances we are now putting in links to sources in other countries for you to follow yourself. Here is the list (updated 25 oct 2011):
As an open office doc – Prisoner list_Oct2011
As a pdf – Prisoner list_Oct2011

For an explanation of the need to support prisoners, and tips on writing to prisoners, see our resources page.
In solidarity with all those locked up and still struggling!

Some guides to help if you face going to prison

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Being sent to prison is shit, even worse you are now a captive of one of your worst enemies, the state, so avoid it if you possibly can. But every day more people are being sent to prison, increasingly as a result of the ongoing social conflict between the bosses & politicians, and the rest of us.

Unsurprisingly therefore, the last year has seen a large growth in the number of ‘political activists’ imprisoned, as the state tries to intimidate our social movements. But don’t let the bastards grind you down. Be prepared.

Read these guides, but remember they are only guides, not the ‘law’, and the rules for courts and prisons do change all the time, often on the whim of those in authority. Read on:Read More

A passion for freedom

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Readers with an interest in the struggle against the prison society will be interested in several newly released publications with an international flavour. With an increasing number of people facing court cases and prison sentences at a time of intensifying repression, and resistance, our movements need to stand firm and not be intimidated.

First up are 2 recently published pamphlets from Leeds ABC:
A passion for freedom – an interview with Jean Weir
One of UK anarchism’s most colourful characters, Jean Weir has been an international fighter for many decades now. As anyone who has met her will know, Jean is quite capable of talking for hours about her ideas, however she generally avoids giving interviews about herself, in rejection of the cult of the personality. This pamphlet gives an insight into her ideas, beliefs and experiences abroad, including time spent in prison for her actions.Read More