Update on international hunger strike

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Update on the hungerstrike (translated from Italian): “Around 7 people were arrested and 2 “Carabineros” injured at a demo in Santiago, Chile. According to Chilean press there were around 70 people at the demo, which was organised in solidarity with the prisoners on hunger strike in Europe and Chile itself. 2 Chilean anarchists, Matías Castro and Pablo Carvajal, are under “preventative arrest” since September after an arson attack at a police station and have both joined the hunger strike. The “Carabineros” Special Force intervened to stop the demo and 2 of them were injured. Buildings and cars were also damaged.

To my knowledge, pickets outside jails will be taking place in the next few days and New Year’s Eve in Italy and Switzerland in solidarity with the strikers and all prisoners.”
And here is a later update at the end of the stike.

International hunger strike till January 1st

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hungerstrike poster in Spanish

Following Gabriel Pombo Da Silva’s call for an international hunger strike 13 anarchist prisoners from all over the world have so far joined in. The strike started on December 20th and will carry on till January 1st.

The initiative comes spontaneously from the prisoners themselves, in particular to remember the Chilean anarchist Mauricio Morales who died in May this year while he was trying to place a bomb outside a local penitentiary police’s school.

In his initial communiqué Gabriel writes: “To me hunger strike is a strategic tool of struggle…in the situation we are – kidnapped by the State and the Capital – we only have this form of struggle seen as we all are spread in different jails and countries.”

The prisoners who have so far joined in are: Gabriel Pombo Da Silva (Germany), Marco Camenisch (Switzerland), Juan Carlos Rico Rodriguez, Francisco Maya Fernandez, Honorio and Alberto (Spain), Diego Petrissans (Argentina), Sergio, Mike, Evelin, Luca and Pasquale (Italy), Matias Castro (Chile).

Notes: Gabriel Pombo Da Silva is a Spanish anarchist who escaped from the notorious FIES prison system in Spain, but was subsequently recaptured in Germany. You can read some background info about him, and some of his writings, here (small pdf). Here is a callout for solidarity with him in 2007. He has now spent 24 of his 40 years in prison. You can write to him here: Gabriel Pombo da Silva, JVA Aachen, Krefelder Str. 251, 52070 Aachen, Germany

For further information on the hungerstrike (not in English) have a look here or here.

Elijah Smith 11 months locked up without a trial

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Today 20 December marks 11 months on remand for EDO Decommissioner Elijah (James) Smith. That’s 11 months locked away in a shitty little cell, deprived of all his freedom, and without any opportunity to argue his case in court. 11 months in prison without actually being found guilty of anything.

Elijah and the other 5 Bristol anti-militarists face a major trial in May 2010. Whilst the other five face stringent bail conditions, they are at least not locked up in a cell. Elijah however faces another 5 months locked away before getting into court. Compare and contrast this treatment of a man accused only of property damage, with the treatment of the cop who assaulted Ian Tomlinson, moments before he died, at the G20 protests in London on 1 April 2009 – who remains uncharged, at liberty and on full pay. British justice, what a farce.

Elijah presently remains in Lewes prison. Please write and send him your support, write to Elijah Smith VP 7551, HMP Lewes, 1 Brighton Rd, Lewes, East Sussex, BN7 1EA

Next big Smash EDO protest

Elijah, the other Decommissioners would welcome your support and solidarity, both in their case and in their campaign against EDO ITT and other profiteers from wars. To support the Decommissioners check their website, keep an eye on Bristol Indymedia for upcoming events, and also see the wider Smash Edo campaign. To support the anti-militarist campaign just find an arms delaer/manufacturer, anywhere, and DIY. There is a fundraising cafe & film night for the Decommissioners support campaign tonight, 20 December, from 6pm at Kebele social centre.


Jock Palfreeman gets 20 years in Bulgaria

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Self-defence is no offence

Jock is a young Australian man, with British connections, who a few years ago visited Bristol for a while. He hung out mainly in East Bristol around the alternative scene, went to The Plough pub etc.

After nearly 2 years on remand in Sofia Central prison, Bulgaria, he was on 2 December 2009 found guilty of of premeditated murder and attempted murder with antisocial (hooligan) intent. He was sentenced to 20 years imprisonment, and a 450,000 leva (375,000 Aussie dollars) fine.Read More

Prisoner support fundraising event on 5 December

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benefit gig flyer

(Update 6/12/09 – Saturday’s fundraiser was a hectic one, and after costs over £250 was raised for our projects. Many thanks to the organisers, the bands, and all who came.)

This Saturday we have a fundraising gig at The White Hart, 181 Whitehall Rd, Easton, Bristol BS5 9BJ. The fundraiser has been organised for us by our friends the Bastard Squad Collective, with Kebele Sound doing the PA. For bands see the flyer, there should also be projections and info/book stalls. It starts at 8pm and its a fiver on the door. Late bar. Do come along, it’ll be a cracking night out, and you can find out more about what we do and why – come and chat to us between the bands!Read More

2010 Solidarity calendar available now

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Once again Bristol ABC is delighted to be helping distro ‘Certain Days: the 2010 Freedom For All Political Prisoners Calendar’, which this year has a focus on Indigenous Resistance.

Calendar back cover showing 12 months artwork

This beautiful 44-page calendar is packed with superb full colour artwork, alongside extensive writings on the prisoners, campaigns and communities represented. It includes artwork by Martin Mantxo, the former Bristol street artivist and co-founder of Kebele social centre, who has now returned to his native Basque country (where he remains extremely active and artistic!). If you are looking for the perfect politically conscious gift supporting some vital causes this solstice/new year, then this is it!Read More

Remember Ian Tomlinson dead for 8 months

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and still no cops charged over his death

Lots of waffle in the media over the last week about the G20 policing, and various reports and reviews into their misbehaviour have been announced. But a stunning lack of comment or news relating to Ian Tomlinson, the newspaper vendor who died at about 7.25pm on 1 April 2009, just a couple of minutes after being viciously assauled from behind by a member of the Territorial Support Group (TSG – hardcore riot cops).

Ian Tomlinson was dead about 5 minutes later

The Tomlinson Family Campaign have called a candlelit vigil for Tuesday 1 December, from 6pm, at Royal Exchange, by Threadneedle St, London EC3V. This will be exactly 8 months since Ian Tomlinson died. Read More

Prisoner support cafe and film night on 22 November

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Bristol ABC prisoner support group takes it turn hosting the weekly Sunday vegan cafe at Kebele social centre, and lobs in a couple of provocative films to wash down the meal.

Recover from Kebele’s birthday bash with us at 14 Robertson Rd, Easton BS5 6JY on Sunday 22 November.

From about 6pm set vegan meal, for a requested donation of 2 quid. All proceeds to cover costs of meal and pay the bills at kebele social centre.

From 7.30pm a couple of cracking films!Read More

Bristol EDO Decommissioner 10 months on remand

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10 months ago yesterday, on 18 January 2009, Elijah (James) Smith and 5 other anti-militarists from Bristol were arrested in Brighton. They had spent the previous night decommissioning the EDO/MBM/ITT factory in Brighton, in an attempt to stop it providing parts for weapons being used by the Israeli army to bomb civilians in Gaza. Nobody was injured or harassed during their action, which was one of property damage/sabotage. They did not resist arrest.

Exactly 10 months on and Elijah Smith is still on remand. Yes thats right – 10 months in prison without trial. And it looks as if he is likely to remain in prison until the trial actually starts, probably on 17 May 2010, by which time he’ll have spent 16 months on remand. British justice?

Elijah is currently at Bristol prison, please write to him in solidarity: Elijah Smith VP7551, HMP Bristol, 19 Cambridge Rd, Horfield, Bristol, BS7 8PSRead More